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Each colony had a different reason to start. The Jamestown settlement in 1607 was to find gold ( there was no gold) and they were sent there by the London Company. Pennsylvania was begun by the Quakers that came with William Penn from London. Plymouth, Mass was begun by the Piligrams seeking a means to worship beyond the Church of England. So, as you can see there were many reasons why people came to the colonies. New York began as a Dutch settlement and was taken by the Duke of York as a British colony. Each colony has it's own story and reason.

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Q: What are the social reasons for settlement in the 13 colonies?
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The year of the 13 colonies' establishment can be traced to 1607. That was the year of the first permanent settlement in Jamestown, VA.

What are the social reasons why people came to the 13 colonies?

To flee religious persecution. They were adventurous. Possibility of making a better life. I think in Europe there were class systems that determined how high you could go in society. In the colonies it was possible to become a self made man.

Why did the 13 colonies?

There were a few reasons why the 13 colonies began. They were not happy with their life in Europe. They wanted to improve their lives. They wanted more money, and they wanted to live where there were more Natural Resources.

Why did the 13 colonies happen?

There were a few reasons why the 13 colonies began. They were not happy with their life in Europe. They wanted to improve their lives. They wanted more money, and they wanted to live where there were more natural resources.

How many colonies were there in the 13 colonies?

There were seven royal colonies.