

What are the science attitude?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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12y ago

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the science attitude is stern and focused they don't particularly like to be wrong but when they know they are wrong they fix what they missed or got wrong.

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Q: What are the science attitude?
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What really matters is the passion you have for the field chosen. In other words, it's 10% aptitude, 90% attitude and attitude is everything.

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Heavens, no. Most science papers are required to be written in the passive voice, for one example.

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W. A. Whitehouse has written: 'Order, goodness, glory' -- subject(s): Religion and science, History 'Christian faith and the scientific attitude' -- subject(s): Church and society, Religion and science, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Science, Science

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Albert Einstein was known for his curious and open-minded attitude towards the world. He valued creativity, imagination, and questioning the status quo. Einstein believed in the power of science and rational thinking to solve problems and understand the universe.

Why are these attitudes important in the study and practice of science?

Attitudes,liketo be curioushaving perseveranceto be open-mindedto be fair and objectiveto be scepticallyto be humblehaving integrityare important to study science because it develops a positive attitude in a scientist