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Q: What are the rules for immigrants coming into the US?
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Who sponsors immigrants coming to US?

Immigrants coming to the US are sponsored are sponsored by family members or employers.

When did the number of immigrants begin coming to the US?


From which region are the fewest new immigrants coming to the US?

According to recent data, the fewest new immigrants to the US are coming from Europe. The majority of new immigrants come from Asia and Latin America.

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Immigrants coming to the us before 1860?

There were plenty of immigrants that came to the US before 1860. These immigrants were most often people from Europe looking for a better life.

Who contributed to the formation of a mass culture in the US?

Immigrants coming in to the us and bringing the cultures with them

Where was the first stop for many immigrants coming to the US?

Ellis Island.

Did immigrants standard living improve by coming to the us?

Most immigrants looking for freedom of religion/speech, a better way of life, and a better justice system, all found a better standard of living by coming to the US. Immigrants are generally happier in the US than they were in their country of origin.

Where did Italian immigrants work after coming to the US?

After coming to the US, Italian immigrants worked anywhere they could find a job. The men were recruited to work in mines, build railroads, and work in factories. They did the backbreaking jobs.

Most of the immigrants coming to the US in the mid 1800s were English Irish and .?


How many immigrants died coming to the US in the late 1800s?

Due to the booming industry of technology, which was the main source of immigrants deaths, thooousands of immigrants died.

Most of the immigrants coming to the US in the mid 1800s were English Irish and?

Most of the immigrants coming to the United States in the mid 1800s were English, Irish, and _______.IMPROVED ANSWER:The answer is German.