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Q: What are the roles of civic virtue in the lives of citizens and leaders from the colonial period through Reconstruction?
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The presidents are elected by the citizens through a public vote

How are Gandhi and Ho Chi Minh different?

both believed colonial powers were exploiting the citizens of their country.

What is the difference of a political empire and a religious empire?

In a Political Empire the citizens are aware of the fact that the leaders are making the rules. The difference with regards to the Religious Empire is that the citizens are duped into the false notion of a supreme divinity ruling over them through their leaders.

Who elects government leaders?

In democratic systems, government leaders are typically elected by the people through a process of voting. This can include national or general elections, where citizens have the opportunity to choose their leaders, such as presidents or prime ministers. In some cases, leaders may also be elected through indirect methods, such as through the parliament or legislature.

System of government in which citizens have the right to vote and choose their leaders?

This system is known as a democracy, where citizens have the power to participate in the decision-making process by voting in elections. In a democracy, leaders are chosen through free and fair elections, and the government is accountable to the people.

From what continent did the new citizens of Haiti originate?

The new citizens of Haiti originated mainly from Africa, through the forced migration and enslavement of Africans during the colonial period.

Which statement correctly summarizes why civic participation is important in a democracy?

Without it, politcal leaders have no way of representing the people's views.

Why did Athenian leaders warn their citizens about Phillip II?

They understood his expansion through northern and central Greece, his bribing of central Greek city leaders, and his influence in directing votes of cities in the Amphictyonic Council was entrenching his control of Greek affairs.

What is Canadian International School of Hong Kong's motto?

The motto of Canadian International School of Hong Kong is 'To develop responsible global citizens and leaders through academic excellence'.

What officially ended Reconstruction?

By most accounts, the official end of Reconstruction in the American South (after the Civil War's conclusion in 1865) arrived in 1877. The occasion was provided by the disputed election of Rutherford B. Hayes as the 19th President of the United States: Hayes secured the presidency through an arrangement with Southern congressional leaders, offering to remove Federal military control throughout the South if these leaders would assent to his election.

In order to win independence from the colonial powers African leaders encouraged the growth of .?

In order to win independence from the colonial powers, African leaders encouraged the growth of nationalist movements and organizations. They promoted unity among Africans and mobilized support for independence through strategies such as civil disobedience, protests, and armed resistance. Additionally, they sought international support and diplomatic alliances to advance their cause.

Can immigrants be citizens?

They can typically become citizens through naturalization.