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I believe it has to do with my dick in your mouth.

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Q: What are the rights liberties and responsibilities of US citizens?
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What do the Fourteenth Amendment and the First Amendment have in common?

The first amendment gives US citizens the rights of free speech, peaceful assembly, etc. They're also called our "Basic Civil Liberties," which give us rights as US citizens. The 14th amendment gave rights to people of slave descent, or people who were former slaves, the rights stated in the 1st amendment.

Why was The Bill of Rights added to the the US Constitution?

The US Bill of Rights was created to protect U.S. citizen's individual liberties.

What does the Declaration of Independence outline in?

The Declaration of Independence declares the 13 original Colonies independent from British rule, it also gives reasons for the need for this declaration. The outline of the basic rights and liberties of US citizens is within the Constitution

What is the Bill of Rights of US?

The Bill of Rights is commonly viewed as consisting of the first ten articles of Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America. But it is the specific guarantees of individual liberties in the first eight amendments that the public normally regards as the Bill of Rights. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments provide generally that rights not specified and powers not delegated to the federal government in the Constitution will remain with the people and the states.For more detailed information on this issue, click on the related links section below.the first ten amendments to the constitution, outlines our rights as citizens.

Why is the bill of rights do important to us as citizens?

because it is good to know

Related questions

What are the rights-liberties and responsibilities of US citizen?

I believe it has to do with my dick in your mouth.

What required a duty of working citizens in the US today?

It is depends upon that you have citizenship of US or Not. There are different rules and responsibilities and duties for the permanent citizens of US and Working Citizens of US. You will find several rights and responsibilities that all citizens should exercise and respect. These responsibilities are legally required of every citizen.

What is a required duty of working citizens in the US today?

It is depends upon that you have citizenship of US or Not. There are different rules and responsibilities and duties for the permanent citizens of US and Working Citizens of US. You will find several rights and responsibilities that all citizens should exercise and respect. These responsibilities are legally required of every citizen.

Which of these parts of the US Constitution contains fundamental liberties of American citizens?

(bill of rights)

What are some important rights and responsibilities of US citizens?

There are many rights and responsibilities provided to every US citizen by the Constitution. Some examples of these rights and responsibilities include the right to vote, the right to stay informed, the performance of jury duty, and the obligation to obey the laws.

How many liberties are there in the US?

I am not sure what you mean by “liberties “. We have the Bill of Rights to insure certain rights.

What do the Fourteenth Amendment and the First Amendment have in common?

The first amendment gives US citizens the rights of free speech, peaceful assembly, etc. They're also called our "Basic Civil Liberties," which give us rights as US citizens. The 14th amendment gave rights to people of slave descent, or people who were former slaves, the rights stated in the 1st amendment.

How slavery was handled during the drafting of the us constitution?

During the drafting of the US Constitution, slaves were ignored basically. They were "possessions". The Constitution dealt with citizens rights and responsibilities to their government (and vice versa), but "possessions" do not have rights.

Why was The Bill of Rights added to the the US Constitution?

The US Bill of Rights was created to protect U.S. citizen's individual liberties.

The Bill of Rights was added to the US Constitution to guarantee a set of personal liberties to American citizens These included freedom of the press, freedom from government-established or -suppor?

It was good to protect the freedom of individuals.

Where are us citizens rights written down on?

US citizens' rights are written down in the Bill of Rights. This is the name given to the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution.

What are reasons for emigrating from the US?

Increasing governmental control over citizens, and erosion of civil liberties.