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they have to be born in the u.s.

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Q: What are the requirements to be elected president?
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Why can a member of congress not become the president?

They can become president if they meet the requirements and get elected. There age requirements are different as well as the citizenship requirements.

What are three requirements that the president and the vice president must meet in order to be elected?

The requirements to become President is: -Natural born U.S. Citizen -Be at least 35 years old -Live in the U.S. for at least 14 years. The Vice President is elected by the President not by the people so it's whoever the President wants to be his V.P.

Can a HIV person be elected as a president of a country?

In the US, there are no health or medical requirements for President under the law. Whether such a person could be nominated by a major party or elected is a different question entirely.

Can women be elected president?

Yes, a woman may be U. S. President as long as she meets the age, birthplace and residence requirements of the U. S. Constitution.

Why are the Muslim presidential candidates not allowed to be elected in US?

Muslim candidates ARE allowed to run for president , provided they satisfy the constitutional requirements - whether a Muslim could be elected is another question.

In 1900 Theodore Roosevelt was elected vice president Who was elected president?

William McKinley was elected President in 1900.

How the president and the congress of the US elected?

THE president is elected by the electrol college. Congress is elected by the people

Who was elected president in 2008?

President Barack Obama was elected in 2008 and re-elected in 2012.

What are the voter requirements for a US president to be elected?

To be able to vote you need to be 18 years old, US citizen, and registered to vote in the area where you live. With these requirements met you can vote in all elections.

How is the vice president elected?

He is elected in conjunction with the person running as president .

George Washington was elected President in what year?

He was elected president in 1789.

How s the president elected in the us?

search how is the president elected you forgot the i in is