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In the 1863 battle that took place at Gettysburg, General Lee and his Confederate army were defeated for a variety of reasons. The tenacious defense of the Union enemy, miscalculations on Lee's part, the absence of Lee's main cavalry force, and peculiar sluggishness on the part of Lee's corps commanders at critical stages of the battle -- these would be primary reasons that the Union force won the three-day battle.

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13y ago

Several bad decisions. First he ordered Hood to charge a fortified position uphill from the devil's den. Second, he ordered the infamous Pickett's charge across a mile of open ground (with a fence to scale in the middle) on a fortified position.

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Lee never really had the Union Army on the ropes. The North had superior numbers, superior position, and limited Lee's ability to maneuver. Mead pretty well called all the shots.

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It marked the end of Lee's hopes of ever invading Pennsylvania and the North - whether for strategic advantage or for plunder.

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It is next to impossible for anyone to dislodge a determined, well armed enemy from a well chosen defensive position on the high ground with a numerically inferior force.

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He realized that he could not break the Union line.

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Q: What are the reasons for lee's defeat at Gettysburg?
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