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The Great Depression was the result of the collapse of the US economy. Businesses closed, there were runs on banks and high unemployment was the new normality. At one point the unemployment rate was as high as 25%. There were food shortages as well.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Some major problems faced in the Great Depression was the rise in unemployment, hardly any money, no real houses, no school and the farmers only made a very small profit because people didn't have enough money to buy expensively.


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βˆ™ 15y ago

The banks lent out more than that had and eventually were not being paid back the loans. Because of the bank's shortage of funds, money in customer's accounts were being given away and never seen again. They lost their money and had no way to get it back. This affected businesses too and they soon went under from insufficient funds. After companies went under, there was a major shortage of jobs. Unfortunately jobs were not available to everyone and some became so desperate for money, they sold fruit, vegetables, and even lemonade on the streets just to feed their families. Many were left homeless with the inability to pay rent. Great amounts of children died from starvation and malnutrition and some adults even killed themselves under the pressure.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

For most, it is difficult to imagine life during the Great Depression. While the Depression began at the end of the 1920s, the entire nation suffered most dramatically during the period 1929-1933.

Unemployment rose from a shocking 5 million in 1930 to an almost unbelievable 13 million by the end of 1932. It would be rural America that would suffer the greatest. Unemployed fathers saw children hired for sub-standard wages. In 1930, 2.25 million boys and girls ages 10-18 worked in factories, canneries, mines, and on farms. Children left school to support their families.

First-hand recollections of life during the Great Depression must not be disregarded. Those "children's" voices now plead with us to recognize the symptoms of an economic CRASH and to react in time.

Credit mentality instead of paying cash. "Don't spend money you don't already have in your pocket."

Rich grew richer at the expense of others. "Don't pay someone else to provide something that you can learn to do or to make yourself."

Abandonment of traditional values and frugality. "Never buy anything you can use - only what you can't live without."

Self-Indulgence and self-gratification by immediate acquisition of possessions. "Don't buy anything until you have twice the purchase amount."

High Expectations by gambling in the Stock Market. "It's doesn't matter how much money you can make, but how much money you can save!"

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Depression. depends on what aspect you're referring to. Soaring unemployment, homelessness, low quality of life, terribly weak economy with no catalyst to turn it around until WWII. Widespread poverty and even starvation. Corruption and a stock market crash. Turmoil and hopelessness for a once affluent society.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The first economic problem that existed during the Great Depression was high unemployment. The stock market crash of 1929, also caused major hardship to the economy.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Money issues and the associated issues that go with a lack of income. The problem was further exacerbated by political policies which slowed down the recovery in some people's opinion.

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