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The principles that made the problems of representative government be solved were those that made sure we had as little of it as possible.

The Senators, who would serve the longest (six years) were to be appointed by the State legislatures, not the people.

The President, who would serve four years, was to be elected by the Electoral College, not the people.

And the Representatives, who would serve the least time of all (two years), they and only they would be directly elected by the people.

And the Supreme Court who's members would serve for life? They were to be appointed by the unelected President and confirmed by the unelected Senate.

Those were the Constitutional principles that solved the problems of representative government.

(Note: It wasn't all bad. Only the directly elected representatives could vote for a new tax. And much later, an amendment would pass allowing for Senators to be directly elected. The President still is not.)

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Q: What are the principles in the Constitution that the framers saw as a solutions to the problems of the representative government?
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How did economic hardship of The Great Depression affect voters' attitudes towards government?

Voters looked to the Federal Government for solutions to their economic concern.....

Why do you think we need the government to find solutions to many disputes or conflicts?

Conflicts occur when people of different cultures, religions, regions or economic backgrounds, when some among them feel they are being discriminated against. People may use violent means to settle their differences. This leads to fear and tension among other living in an area. The government is responsible for helping to resolving conflict. The Indian constitution lays down the basic rules or laws that have to be followed by everyone. These laws are for both the government and people. Conflict and differences have to be resolved according to these laws. If the conflict occur between two states or two county government or its agencies play the role to resolve it.

What were the weaknesses in the articles of confederation that led to the us constitution?

Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government had very little power and no judicial branch. When states had conflicts, there was no arbitrator to judge or enforce solutions to problems. Therefore, the founding fathers decided that a stronger federal government was needed, so they wrote the Constitution.

What addition did many delegates feel was necessary to make the constitution complete?

There were great debates during the Constitutional Convention about adding a "bill of rights" which would explicitly list certain inviolable rights held by the people.The Federalist position was that the Constitution allowed governments only a very few (eighteen to be exact) "Enumerated Powers" that the Federal government would be allowed to do. There was no need for a bill of rights to ban the government from doing things that the Constitution didn't allow them to do anyway. Most governmental authority would be retained at the state or local level. (In fact, when I was young, (in the 1950's and 1960's) the common phrase "Don't make a Federal case out of it!" meant not to exaggerate a problem; that most problems were amenable to local solutions.) The Federalist position was pretty well laid out in a series of semi-anonymous newspaper and magazine articles that were later consolidated into "The Federalist Papers".The Anti-Federalists claimed that EVERY government ever invented exceeds its legal authority, and that as a final backstop for freedom, there needed to be certain explicit rights of the citizens. Their articles and pamphlets were consolidated into the "Anti-Federalist Papers". (Both are linked below.)To reach an agreement, the first ten amendments to the Constitution were the "Bill of Rights", listing specific rights that all citizens would always possess. But to bring the two sides together, the Ninth and Tenth Amendments restate the original Federalist idea that the government would have no right to do those things anyway.Article the eleventh [Amendment IX]The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.Article the twelfth [Amendment X]The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.In the final analysis, the Federalists were probably right; the courts routinely treat the Bill of Rights as the ONLY prohibition to government actions. But in truth, about 95% of what the US government does is probably unconstitutional. Without an explicit "Bill of Rights", the courts would be more willing to impose the actual limits contained within the Constitution itself.

Why did certain countries favor military solutions to the great depression?

Military solutions during this time often involved efforts towards total war in a given country. These efforts would in turn decrease unemployment with the rising need to build war machines in addition to other government programs supporting the war. With more employed people having money to spend, the respective economy of a country would rapidly increase cash flow to the government, often in the form of war bonds.

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