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Q: What are the positive aspects of GM foods?
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What foods affected by gm foods?

Your moms

When can GM foods be purchased AND where can the GM foods be purchased?

GM food can be found at some of your local markets and at any time of the year but before you buy it i would like to let you know that GM foods can cause allergic reactions and can be poisinous.

Why are gm foods good?


What positive aspects is of an extended family?

the positive aspects of an extended famly is have more attention

Why has the government put bans or restricions on GM foods?

Because the company which controls most GM foods will not allow independent testing of their products.

Can gm foods make medicines?


When were GM foods available for public consumption?

1994 - the FlavrSavr transgenic tomato was legalised by the US to be commercially sold. After that, a lot of GM foods were legalised

What are the positive and negative aspects of drama?

One of the positive aspects of drama is that it gives impressions immediately

What are genetically modified GM organisms and GM foods?

Genetically modified(GM)organisms are those organisms whose DNA, or genetic material has been altered through modern biotechnology whereas GM foods are those from genetically engineered crops.

When were GM foods first available for public consumption?

1994 - the FlavrSavr transgenic tomato was legalised by the US to be commercially sold. After that, a lot of GM foods were legalised

What are the positive aspects of tradition?

The positive aspects of tradition is that you can keep old ties of culture and family near to you.

How are gm made?

gm foods are made by scientists in a laboratory by mixing genes and chromosomes. hope this was useful :)