

Best Answer

The old lasted for 94 years the middle lasted for 405 years and the new lasted for 530 years

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Q: What are the old kingdom middle kingdom and the new kingdom?
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The three periods are: The Old Kingdom: 2750 to 2260 B.C. The Middle Kingdom: 2061 to 1784 B.C. The New Kingdom: 1570 to 1070 B.C.

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Why did the kingdom decline?

The middle kingdom declined because they did nor like the way they were acting in the new and old kingdoms......................................................................................................... so that why they declined the new and old kingdom that is my answer to why the middle kingdom declined.

Is menes old middle or new kingdom?


Whats the differences of Old kingdom middel kingdom and new kingdom?

ones old , ones new and one is middle aged . :D

What is old Eygpt?

Ancient Egypt or the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom or the New Kingdom also known as Kemet.

Was the middle kingdom or the old kingdom bigger?

Of course old! Its a no brainer~!Of course new! Its a no brainer!