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Maryland to the north, West Virginia to the northwest, Kentucky to the west, and North Carolina to the south-

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13y ago

The states bordering Virginia are Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina.

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Q: What are the names of the bordering states of Virginia?
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What are the states bording west Virginia?

The bordering states of West Virginia are Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia.

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Kentucky has seven bordering states. These states include Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, as well as West Virginia.

What are Virginia's bordering states?

Maryland Tennessee Kentucky North Carolina West Virginia

What are the bordering states of Maryland?

the states that border Maryland are Pennsylvania Delaware Virginia & west Virginia at least plus the united states of America if you consider it a state whether in the district of Columbia or the territorial seas

What are the bordering states of KY?

Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia and Tennessee.

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Maryland and Virginia are the bordering states of Washington, D.C.

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Virginia, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

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Kentucky, is the state that is bordered by seven others states. The seven states being, Indiana Ohio West Virginia Virginia Tennessee Missouri and Illinois

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Maryland is in the Mid Atlantic Region and borders Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the District of Columbia.

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Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina and Virginia.

Which state in the US has 5 bordering states?

Virginia is the only state bordered by five states. These states are: Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, and West Virginia. Tennessee and Missouri are bordered by eight states.