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Q: What are the names of Louis Farrakhan's grandchildren?
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As of my last information, Louis Sachar does not have any grandchildren. He is a private individual, so there may not be much public information available on his personal life.

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They are Nelly and Mandy.

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Neil Armstrong's grandchildren are as follows: Kali, Madison, and Dax.

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David Carradine had a total of four grandchildren and one great grandchild. His grandchildren names are Phoenix, Bodhi, Sienna, and Mariah.

What are Louis Farrakhans accomplishments?

Louis Farrakhan is responsible for the start of The Three Year Economic program which was started in 1991 to establish an economic base for the development of black owned businesses. He is also credited with the Million Man March which began in 1995 as a call for unity and responsibility among African American men.