W is the most common letter of American surnames.
Some of the most popular Danish surnames include Jensen, Nielsen, Hansen, Pedersen, and Andersen. These surnames are widespread and commonly found among the Danish population. However, there are many other surnames in Denmark as well.
Just a guess, but Miller and Smith because they were common occupations.
It is not among the most common surnames in Ireland, but there would still be a lot of them.
What are the most common surnames in Lesotho
Gurung is the most common surnames in Nepal.
Lists of most common surnames by region: List of most common surnames in Asia Lists of East Asian surnames List of most common surnames in Europe List of most common surnames in North America List of most common surnames in Oceania (Australia, New Zealand) List of most common surnames in South America
Persaud and Singh are the most common surnames for Indo guyanese
W is the most common letter of American surnames.
One of the most common surnames in Japan is Satou. Other common surnames include Suzuki and Takahashi.
Some of the most popular Danish surnames include Jensen, Nielsen, Hansen, Pedersen, and Andersen. These surnames are widespread and commonly found among the Danish population. However, there are many other surnames in Denmark as well.
There are several surnames that are of the most common in Marshall. These several surnames are Anderson, Miller, Carlson, Johnson, Larson, Peterson, Nelson, Schultz, Vanoverbeke, and Paradis.
There are many common surnames in Nicaragua. A few of the most used names are Gonzalez, Perez, Dia, and Moran.
the most common one I know is Gonzalez
Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov