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Q: What are the men who wrote the Constitution sometimes called?
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Who was the man who actually wrote most of the Constitution He is also called the Father of the Constitution and wrote the Virginia Plan?

James Madison took all of the notes for the constitutional convention and is called the "Father of the Constitution" because of it, but 55 men were involved in the writing of the laws, articles, and amendments of the constitution itself, so no one man wrote it. Madison was also involved in the Virginia Plan, but again he didn't "write" it himself.

Did Benjamin Franklin help shape the US Constitution?

To some extent he did, but he was 81 years old and liked to talk. He was one of 55 men who argued, wrote, and shaped the constitution.

What documents did John Jay Alexander Hamilton and James Madison write to persuade people to adopt a new constitution?

They wrote a series of essays published in New York newspapers collectively called The Federalist Papers. There were 85 essays in total, 50 (or 51) written by Alexander Hamilton, 30 (or 29) written by James Madison, and 5 written by John Jay (who fell ill during the writing). In the early 1800s it was published collectively as one book.

Where did the founding father get there ethical idea for the constitution?

The constitution was created from May to September 1787 with a great deal of discussion and compromise. Some of the ideas came from the Enlightenment thinkers. The 55 men who wrote the constitution were the best educated in the colonies and most were lawyers.

When in the US were men granted rights?

White men always have had rights from the very moment of the colonies. There was never any need to "grant" them rights. Fifty five rich white men wrote the constitution and slaves built the nation.

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Who were the five men who wrote the constitution?

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What happen at the constitution convention?

55 men wrote the constitution from May to September 1787.

Who was the man who actually wrote most of the Constitution He is also called the Father of the Constitution and wrote the Virginia Plan?

James Madison took all of the notes for the constitutional convention and is called the "Father of the Constitution" because of it, but 55 men were involved in the writing of the laws, articles, and amendments of the constitution itself, so no one man wrote it. Madison was also involved in the Virginia Plan, but again he didn't "write" it himself.

Did all whites sign the constitution?

I do not know if all white men wrote or signed the constitution. But I do know that all business men were not white.

What group of individuals advocated for the adoption of the constitution?

The 55 white men who wrote the constitution were the cream of the colonies and the wealthy educated men. They supported the constitution and didn't ask for others to support it.

Who wrote of constitution?

I assume you are asking about the U.S. Constitution, and who wrote it; lots of people wrote about the Constitution once it had been created and signed in 1787. The Constitution was created by a group of men, former British colonists, who are sometimes called the "Framers" because they came up with the ideas and then crafted (or framed) the Constitution; some sources also call them the "Founding Fathers," since they founded the original laws and doctrines used by Americans even today. The best-known of the founders included James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams and, John Hancock. Many historians believe that James Madison was the chief writer-- he provided the model for what became the American constitution. And Thomas Jefferson wrote the document called the Declaration of Independence.

How did the new constitution reflect the values of men who wrote them?

It showed that the men were brave, and also knew what the people and the government needed to survive and go on. It also reflected that the men who wrote it had a supreme interest and passion for trying to make their country thrive under a fair government and written constitution.

What happen at the constitutional convention?

55 men wrote the constitution from May to September 1787.

What were the men called who met in Philadelphia to plan the Constitution?


What did James Madison and Alexander Hamilton and John jay?

These three men wrote the Federalist Papers in support of the Constitution.

What did James Madison and Alexander hamilton and john jay?

These three men wrote the Federalist Papers in support of the Constitution.

Who believed that the government was to determine provide and protect the common good?

The men who wrote the constitution and that is still it’s purpose.