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Italia (Italy), Gallia, (Gaul: Belgium and France, subdivided into Belgica, Lungudunensis, Aquitania and Narbonensis)), Hispania (Spain and Portugal, subdivided into Tarraconesis, Baetica and Lusitania), Germania (Superior and Inferior), Rhaetia (Switzerland and part of southern Germany), Noricum (much of Austria and part of southern Germany), Pannonia (eastern Austria, western Hungary and northern Serbia and Croatia, subdivided into Superior and Inferior), Dalmatia (part of the former Yugoslavia plus Albania), Dacia (much of Romania), Moesia (the Macedonian Republic, part of Serbia, part of Bulgaria and part of Romania, subdivided into Inferior and Superior), Thrace(southeastern |Bulgaria and northeastern Greece), Greece(subdivided into Macedonia, Epirus and Achaia), Asia, Bithynia et Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Licia et Pamphilia and Cilicia in Turkey, Armenia, Syria, Judea, Mesopotamia(Iraq), Arabia Petraea (western Jordan and the Sinai), Egypt, Cyrenaica et Creta (eastern Libya and Crete) , Africa (western Libya and Tunisia), Mauretania(Algeria and northenr Morocco, subdivided into Caesarensis and Tingitana), Sicilia (Sicily) and Sardinia et Corsica.

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Q: What are the major territories controlled by Rome in 117 C.E was Britain. What are four others?
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What were the major territories controlled by Rome in 117 CE?

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