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Q: What are the major reasons that medieval Western Europe remained Christian and not Muslim?
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What were two reasons for the War of 1812?

The English remained in western forts; American sailors were being pressed into service aboard British ships. The British ignored American protests for these illegal actions, to no avail.

Were women abused in medieval Europe?

Some medieval women were abused, and some were not. Medieval times were no different than other times and places. In some places the laws did not protect women well, but there were a lot of places where there were specific laws to protect women from abusive husbands and other family members. Also, nearly everywhere in Christian Europe, any women could get protection in the sanctuary of a convent. As to why women were abused in Medieval Europe, the reasons have not changed. This is a complicated question dealt with by people ranging from sociologists to psychologists.

What regions of Europe stayed Catholic after the Reformation?

The southern and western parts: France, Portugal, Spain, Austria, southern Germany, Italy, etc. Also Ireland remained predominately Catholic, although technically protestant as it was overun by the English at the time.

What reasons are given for establishing the colony in the Mayflower Compact?

The glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith and honor of King and Country are the reasons stated for the establishment of a body politic.

Did peasants like King John?

No, he raised their taxes so they were very angry with him in the Medieval period. This later led to one of the reasons for the Magna Carta.

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Why loyalists remained loyal?

religious reasons

What were the main christian pilgrimages in medieval times?

The main Christian pilgrimages in medieval times were to the Holy Land (Jerusalem), Santiago de Compostela in Spain, Rome, and Canterbury in England. These pilgrimages were important for religious reasons, allowing believers to visit holy sites, seek spiritual renewal, and earn indulgences. Journeys to these destinations were often arduous but considered a significant aspect of a devout Christian's faith.

What reasons for the war of 1812?

The English remained in western forts; American sailors were being pressed into service aboard British ships. The British ignored American protests for these illegal actions, to no avail.

What were two reasons for the War of 1812?

The English remained in western forts; American sailors were being pressed into service aboard British ships. The British ignored American protests for these illegal actions, to no avail.

Why people purchase medieval swords?

People collect medieval swords for a variety of reasons. One reason is for their uniqueness.

Why did most king not keep standing armies in medieval times?

because reasons

Is hozier a Christian?

Yes, hozier is a Christian and it is one of the reasons why his words are so effective

Why do Christian's where a necklace?

Not all do and if they do, it is for their own personal reasons.

What were the three reasons given to bring the plague to medieval Europe?

citizens four and homes

Were women abused in medieval Europe?

Some medieval women were abused, and some were not. Medieval times were no different than other times and places. In some places the laws did not protect women well, but there were a lot of places where there were specific laws to protect women from abusive husbands and other family members. Also, nearly everywhere in Christian Europe, any women could get protection in the sanctuary of a convent. As to why women were abused in Medieval Europe, the reasons have not changed. This is a complicated question dealt with by people ranging from sociologists to psychologists.

What contributed to the growth of towns in medieval Europe?

Reasons for growth were improvements in agriculture and the revival of trade.

How was a crusade similar to a pilgrimage?

Both crusades and pilgrimages involved traveling to a holy site for religious reasons. However, the intention behind a crusade was typically to fight in a holy war to reclaim or defend Christian territories, while a pilgrimage was usually a journey of devotion and spiritual growth. Both activities were significant aspects of medieval Christian life and held great religious importance.