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Q: What are the major modern day countries that now sit where the harappan civilization once existed?
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The drainage system of harappan civilization was very well civilized system

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The Mayan civilization existed in Central Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Northern El Salvador and Belize.

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Are Phoenicians Egyptians?

NO. Phoenicians are a people who are indigenous to modern Lebanon, but who established colonies throughout the Mediterranean, most notably Carthage in modern Tunisia. The Ancient Egyptians were a completely different, but contemporaneous civilization that existed in modern Egypt.

Where did the first civilization develop in india?

India's first civilization was in the Indus Valley which is located in modern day Pakistan and northwestern India. The Indus Valley Civilization (also known as the Harappan civilization) was a Bronze Age civilization that began around 3300 BCE and was one of three early civilizations in the Old World, along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

What is the capital of the Indus Valley now?

The Indus Valley civilization existed in what is now modern-day Pakistan. The capital cities of the ancient Indus Valley civilization were Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.

What is the name of the geographic region in which the indus valley located?

It is the current day Pakistan. It existed in ancient time. It is thought to be a modern civilization.

Is indus valley civilization a modern civilization?

No it is not a modern civilization. It is an ANCIENT civilization!

What is the oldest civilization on the planet?

The oldest known civilization is often considered to be the Sumerian civilization, which existed in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) around 4000 BCE. They are credited with developing writing systems (cuneiform), complex societies, and advanced agricultural practices.

What countries are in ancient China?

The Ancient Near East is not a country, but a general area that often extends from what we now call the Middle East to Egypt. Here you'll find an introduction, links, and a picture to go with ancient countries and peoples around the Fertile Crescent.

Are there still Aztecs living right now?

No, the Aztec civilization existed in Mesoamerica between the 14th and 16th centuries. Their descendants are part of modern-day Mexican society, but the Aztec civilization itself no longer exists.

What are the three modern countries that would exist in the roman territory?

There are many more than three modern countries that would have existed in the territory ruled by the Roman empire. The "big three" are Italy, France and Spain, but countries from the mid east to the Atlantic and from North Africa to Scotland were all ruled by Rome.There are many more than three modern countries that would have existed in the territory ruled by the Roman empire. The "big three" are Italy, France and Spain, but countries from the mid east to the Atlantic and from North Africa to Scotland were all ruled by Rome.There are many more than three modern countries that would have existed in the territory ruled by the Roman empire. The "big three" are Italy, France and Spain, but countries from the mid east to the Atlantic and from North Africa to Scotland were all ruled by Rome.There are many more than three modern countries that would have existed in the territory ruled by the Roman empire. The "big three" are Italy, France and Spain, but countries from the mid east to the Atlantic and from North Africa to Scotland were all ruled by Rome.There are many more than three modern countries that would have existed in the territory ruled by the Roman empire. The "big three" are Italy, France and Spain, but countries from the mid east to the Atlantic and from North Africa to Scotland were all ruled by Rome.There are many more than three modern countries that would have existed in the territory ruled by the Roman empire. The "big three" are Italy, France and Spain, but countries from the mid east to the Atlantic and from North Africa to Scotland were all ruled by Rome.There are many more than three modern countries that would have existed in the territory ruled by the Roman empire. The "big three" are Italy, France and Spain, but countries from the mid east to the Atlantic and from North Africa to Scotland were all ruled by Rome.There are many more than three modern countries that would have existed in the territory ruled by the Roman empire. The "big three" are Italy, France and Spain, but countries from the mid east to the Atlantic and from North Africa to Scotland were all ruled by Rome.There are many more than three modern countries that would have existed in the territory ruled by the Roman empire. The "big three" are Italy, France and Spain, but countries from the mid east to the Atlantic and from North Africa to Scotland were all ruled by Rome.