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Federalists Idealogy is put the goverment for the people in the hands of a central governing body i.e. the world bank or federal reserve

Anti federalists - Put the governing responsibility on each state; similar to the early Greek City States

This was a hotly debated topic in our early countries history.....The Federalists papers laye out a framework for how to govern the collective body of the people through a central governing authority...The papers were written by John Jay, James Madison and Alexander Hamiliton; the book went in stark contrast against Thomas Jefferson's politcal idealogy as the 2nd President

The irony is that our politcal system is best described as more of a "politcal anatomy" shaoing the collective body of the people (Political Anatomy idea comes from French Philospher Michael Foucault). If you look at our Politcal system today in my opinion it is a hybrid of classic Greek City States and Rome Republic.

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Q: What are the major differences between federalists and Anti-federalist in there view point of the constitution?
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What were the differences between the federalist and the anti-federalist?

The federalist supported the constitution, and the anti-federalist were against the Constitution. I DON'T KNOW THE REST. Go on the Internet for once!

Compare the arguments for and against the Constitution made by the Federalists and Antifederalists during the struggle over ratification?

The main agreements between the antifederalist and the federalist were about the bill of rights and the need for a government. The antifederalist demanded to have a bill of rights because it can explain the ideals described in the Declaration of Independence better than the Constitution because the bill of rights gives us freedom of press, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. Also, the federalist felt like it was important to have a government. They both disagreed. This is right luv

What are the differences between federalist's and antifederalist's?

The antifederalists, or people who opposed a strong federal government, came into quarrel with the federalists, who favored a strong federal government. The federalists differ from the anti-federalists in terms of social, economic, and political expression. Many differences arose between the federalists and the antifederalists concerning social issues. First of all, the antifederalists were from the poorer classes, while the federalists were from higher, more aristocratic classes. Antifederalists mainly consisted of uneducated people who made up the working class. Federalists, however, were aristocratic people who were cultured and well educated.

How was the constitution ratifed?

After a long and heated battle between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists over the Constitution versus the Articles of Confederation and the inclusion of the Bill of Rights, a Constitution was written and ratified by all 13 colonies.

What are the beliefs of the federalist?

The beliefs of the Federalists are that they thought that the Constitution shared the power between the federal government and the states. They supported the Constitution and were called Federalists.

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The differences between anti-federalists and federalists?

Federalists are people who support the constitution and on ther the other hand antifederalists are people oppose the constitution

What were the differences between the federalist and the anti-federalist?

The federalist supported the constitution, and the anti-federalist were against the Constitution. I DON'T KNOW THE REST. Go on the Internet for once!

What was the main argument between federalists and anti-federalists?

Federalists wanted to urge the Constitution to be in action, but the Anti-Federalists didn't want the Constitution to be in commencement. They were against it.

Compare the arguments for and against the Constitution made by the Federalists and Antifederalists during the struggle over ratification?

The main agreements between the antifederalist and the federalist were about the bill of rights and the need for a government. The antifederalist demanded to have a bill of rights because it can explain the ideals described in the Declaration of Independence better than the Constitution because the bill of rights gives us freedom of press, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. Also, the federalist felt like it was important to have a government. They both disagreed. This is right luv

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What are the differences between federalist's and antifederalist's?

The antifederalists, or people who opposed a strong federal government, came into quarrel with the federalists, who favored a strong federal government. The federalists differ from the anti-federalists in terms of social, economic, and political expression. Many differences arose between the federalists and the antifederalists concerning social issues. First of all, the antifederalists were from the poorer classes, while the federalists were from higher, more aristocratic classes. Antifederalists mainly consisted of uneducated people who made up the working class. Federalists, however, were aristocratic people who were cultured and well educated.

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What was addded to the constitution as a result of the difference between federalists and antifederalist and what is the significance?

The bill of rights was added to the constiution. It is 10 rights that citizens of the US are granted. This is significant because many of those rights are ones that the people believed would be taken away by the government

Do the Federalists support the constitution?

yes. the federalists got their name from their support for the federal system of government (division of power between a central government and the state governments) as outlined in the constitution. the anti-federalists opposed the ratification of the constitution.

What was the compromise made between federalists and anti federalists to ratify the constitution in 1788?

The Federalists compromised and agreed to add the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments), which was ratified in 1791.

What was the argument between the anti-federalist and federalist?

Federalists wanted to urge the Constitution to be in action, but the Anti-Federalists didn't want the Constitution to be in commencement. They were against it.

Was there a political division in America in 1789?

Yes, because there was a political division between the Federalists and Antifederalists as to whether the Constitution should be passed or not. Federalists supported the Constitution and Antifederalists opposed the Constitution.