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Q: What are the major contributions were the pawnee Indians were know for?
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Who invented sod houses?

the indians or as they are know the palo- indians

How did the travellers have an effect on the plains Indians?

they where lost with out the indians and they didnt know what to do

What were the contributions of Benito Mussolini to World War 2?

i don't know how should i know research it yourselves.

What is the important animal resource of great plains Indians?

I don’t know cuz it hard

What major league team has the most wins this season?

In the 2007 regular season, the Boston Red Sox and the Cleveland Indians both won 96 games and as you know, the Red Sox went on to win the World Series.

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The Pawnee Indians were the original inhabitants of Nebraska and Kansas. They were forced to move to a reservation in Oklahoma in the 1800's. They used permanent earth lodge villages as their homes.

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Hopi, Cherokee, Pawnee, and some Lamanite tribes. But, did u know that Indians are from India? Thats why we call these tribes Native American Tribes.

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i don't know i am asking the computer the answer

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im having this project and i really need to know!!

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We don’t know the civilization you ask about. It is obvious that there is a previous question.

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Atika is grandma that is what i know.

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i dont really know i think ot has something to do with race

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i really don't know so leave me alone O.K u get me.:)

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we dont know bu ttell me cause this answer people will want to know even tho they go to leeed

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To answer this question, we need to know which agency you are referring to.

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know one know's