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Q: What are the main ideas of miss awful?
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Who is the main character of miss awful?

The main character of "Miss Awful" is a young girl named Elizabeth. She is a quiet and obedient student who lives in a strict and orderly town ruled by Miss Awful, the mean-spirited teacher. Elizabeth's interactions with Miss Awful and her efforts to stand up for herself drive the plot of the story.

Who are the characters in the story miss awful by arthur cavanaugh?

In the story "Miss Awful" by Arthur Cavanaugh, the main character is a young girl named Carol, who is analyzing her mean and unkind teacher Miss Orville's behavior. Miss Orville is portrayed as strict and frightening, almost like a witch. The story revolves around Carol's interactions with Miss Orville and the consequences of her actions.

What word did roger spell for Miss Orville in the short story Miss Awful?

In the short story "Miss Awful," Roger spelled the word "gulch" for Miss Orville.

What is the setting of miss awful by arthur cavanaugh?

There is two parts that you really need to know about theme and that is in Miss Awful the time and place. The time of Miss Awful is Sunday when Rodger is talking to his parents ,and Monday when he comes to school to meet the sub Miss Oreville. The place is at home talking to his parents and at school meeting the sub Miss Oreville.

Who is the author of Miss Awful?

The author of "Miss Awful" is Arthur Cavanaugh. This short story is often included in school textbooks and anthologies.

What is the same between miss awful by Arthur Cavanaugh and Charles by Shirley Jackson?

There isn't much the same about Charles and Miss Awful the only thing I could think of is there dynamic and flat.

Is miss awful a dynamic character?

No, Miss Awful is not a dynamic character. She remains consistently mean and unchanging throughout the story, without showing any significant growth or development.

What is the miss awful theme?

People arn't always what they seem

What are the conflicts in Miss Awful by Arthur Cavanaugh?


What did Delaware have to offer in the 1700s?

Brilliant people with awful ideas.

Where can you find the story Miss Awful by Arthur Cavanaugh?

read the story

What is the point of view in Miss Awful?

that there is a prob between hr and rogers