

What are the logic formulation?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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14y ago

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1. who are the people involved in programming?

2. tell us about logic formulation.

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Maybe the right question is "What is a Logic Formulation". I would like to give my view on this.

Perhaps, the best way to understand "logic formulation" is by first knowing what "logic" is. In philosophy "logic" can be discussed endlessly but in so far as computer science is concern what we actually need is a simple application of it. Let me define "logic" as the grammar of correct thinking and reasoning. Take note of the conjunctive word "and" in the definition. Hence, two important elements must conform to define logic and that is (1) to think correctly and; (2) to reason out correctly. If one of the elements would be missing then no logic can be derived from.

The importance of logic in computer science is not as complicated as one might think of it philophically. Its use in programming is only for the purpose of bringing your instructions into proper order. Other than that, no further deductions or inference is needed. In writing instructions for the computer you have to take the individual steps comprising of the whole act to attain the desired results. Computer don't possess inherent power of thinking as human would demonstrate in the conduct of his task. Thus, each step must be taken and arranged according to the order of their priorities. These individual steps will make the instructions needed by the computer to execute its task. Each individual step is known as ALGORITHM.

Let us "MAKE COFFEE" to further illustrate this. When you want to make a coffee there are certain steps you need to do and so you can sip it in the end. Even us, human, cannot take all the steps at one time just to make coffee. Much so if computer is to make it for you. Computers works faster than human but despite of that tremendous speed computers will still take your instructions one at a time. So what are the steps in doing a cup of coffee? Let us consider:

  1. Get a cup
  2. Put a teaspoon of coffee into the cup
  3. Put a spoonful of sugar into the cup
  4. Pour hot water into the cup
  5. Stir it with spoon
  6. Drink (slowly)

As you can see, the above steps are arranged in LOGICAL order. Some of the steps like the 2nd to the 4th steps maybe interchanged without affecting the LOGICAL process but not steps 1, 5 and 6. But just to satisfy your curiosity try to do step 5 as your first step or perhaps 6th as your first. I just wonder what will become of your coffee as what would become of you in the face of those people watching you.

Clearly LOGIC FORMULATION simply means bringing the steps as required by the task in PROPER ORDER so that when it is executed procedurally the desired result is achieved according to the required output specification.

-Nilo M. Padre

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