I think its trauma. You might want to still look it up though
No its not, its Traffic Accidents
Cerebrovascular disease. You can see the top 10 causes of death in Japan at the WHO website - here is the direct link. http://www.who.int/whosis/mort/profiles/mort_wpro_jpn_japan.pdf
Teenagers...leading causes of death are accidents and suicide. So, avoiding reckless behavior and having supportive relationships is key at this age. Adults: Don't smoke and avoid obesity.
1-5 by choking 6-11 by accident 12-25 by suicide 26-35 by murder 36-49 by sickness 50-death by old age
Heart disease is the major cause of death among men.
The events leading to Caesar's death were the accumulation of power by Caesar. they stabbed him because they felt as dictator for life thAT he would abbuse his power or be too powerful
Some of the leading causes of death are:diabetescancercar crashes
Heart disease, cancer, and stroke are the three leading causes of death in the state of California.
Tobacco use is the single leading preventable cause of death in the US.
Hypothermia HaHa
Four of the leading causes of death for American men are related to diet--heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.
The five leading causes of death in the 18th and 19th Centuries were complications from injuries, smallpox, tuberculosis, cholera, and yellow fever.
Smoking cigars and cigarettes!
clubbing cute baby seals
High Blood