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During the war, on television news, TIME magazine, LIFE magazine, newspapers, TV Talk Shows, the US Military in the United States, college campuses, people at home, and the men fighting in Vietnam itself; the enemy was called the NVA or VC (North Vietnamese Army or Viet Cong) and the ally South Vietnam was called the South Vietnamese Navy, Air Force, Marines, Rangers, or Army (but to US servicemen actually in country, the South Viets were called the ARVN's=Army Republic of South Vietnam/or the South Viets).

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ARVN units.

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Q: What are the initials for the Vietnam army?
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What do the initials of the terrrorist group IRA stand for?

Irish Republican Army.

What communist guerrilla forces supported by north Vietnam?

North Vietnam aided Viet Cong or the National Liberation Front (NLF) in a guerilla war against the anti-communist. The army of the North was called People's Army of Vietnam or North Vietnamese Army.

What do the initials MASH stand for?

MASH means Mobile Army Surgical Hospital

Did General Douglas MacAurthur serve in the Vietnam war?

No. He had resigned from his army commission by 1952. Truman asked him to step down as General of the Army. This is well before Vietnam.

Who chose the army to be in the Vietnam war?

The US Army has jurisdiction over all land wars.

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AVRN South Vietnam what do the initials mean?

It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

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The country initials SRV stand for the Republic of Suriname.

Why do you have an us army?

its not a us army its the United states army, US is just the initials.

What is the correct name for the Vietnam army during the Vietnam War?

For North Vietnam or South Vietnam? The North Vietnamese were known simply as the 'North Vietnamese Army' (NVA) to US forces, but their actual title was Vietnam Peoples' Army, as it common practice in Communist states. The South Vietnamese Army was referred to as the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN).

Whose side was the Peoples Army of Vietnam on?

The People's Army of Vietnam, also called the Vietnam People's Army (VPA) was the main army for North Vietnam (communist). However, remember the VPA was not the same group as the Viet Cong.

Which of thesee would support the American involvement in Vietnam?

a member of the army of the republic of Vietnam

When was Vietnam People's Army created?

Vietnam People's Army was created on 1944-12-22.

What are the initials for the Aussie Volunteer Army of World War I?

The initials for the Aussies (and Kiwis) in World War 1 were ANZAC.

What is Australian Army Training Team Vietnam's motto?

Australian Army Training Team Vietnam's motto is 'Persevere'.

When was Australian Army Training Team Vietnam created?

Australian Army Training Team Vietnam was created in 1962.

When did Australian Army Training Team Vietnam end?

Australian Army Training Team Vietnam ended in 1972.

What do the initials VC in relation to the Vietnam war?

Viet Cong (South Viet Guerrillas).