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The US actually had seven aircraft carriers in 1941. The first one, the USS Langley (CV 1), had been made by converting a collier (they looked something like an oil tanker). The Langley had been converted to a seaplane tender in the late 30s.

The next two carriers were made by converting unfinished battlecruiser hulls. These two ships were not permitted to be finished as battlecruisers under the terms of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1923. This was an arms control treaty, the hope of which was to limit the ongoing naval building race between nations. Because they had been built as battlecruisers, these two remain the only US carriers ever to have an armored hull. These were the USS Lexington (CV 2) and the USS Saratoga (CV 3).

Nobody was certain how big aircraft carriers should be, and the next one was built small, as an experiment. It turned out not to be much use during the war as a fighting unit of the fleet in ship to ship battles. This was the USS Ranger (CV 4).

The next four were very similar in size and design, and were excellent ships. These were the USS Yorktown (CV 5), USS Enterprise (CV 6), USS Wasp (CV 7) and USS Hornet (CV 8).

All seven of these ships saw extensive service during the war. The Wasp and the Hornet were in the Atlantic at the time of Pearl Harbor, as was the Ranger. The Saratoga took a torpedo from a Japanese sub in February 1942 and was in a shipyard being repaired for months. This left the Yorktown, Enterprise and Lexington to contend with the Japanese, who had eight carriers. The Lexington was the first US carrier sunk, at the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942. The Yorktown was lost at Midway in June. The Wasp was sunk by a Japanese sub in September 1942, and the Hornet was sunk in October.

The Saratoga and the Enterprise survived the war. The "Sara" was expended as a target in the Operation Crossroads nuclear bomb test at Bikini Atoll in 1947. The Enterprise, the only one of them to have been in every major carrier battle in the Pacific, was cut up for scrap metal. A real shame.

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Q: What are the four us aircraft carriers in 1941?
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Which assets became the US Navy primary strike assets after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

Submarines and Aircraft Carriers

What ships were the 1941 US Pacific Fleet?

In 1941, the Pacific Fleet was comprised of 3 aircraft carriers, 9 battleships, 12 heavy cruisers, 11 light cruisers, 80 destroyers, and 55 submarines.

Did the pilots during World War 2 that flew off the navy carriers fall under the army air corp or where they navy?

US Navy Aircraft Carriers normally operated US Navy aircraft flown by US Navy pilots; however sometimes during WW2 these aircraft carriers had US Army Air Force or US Marine Corps aircraft on-board to be flown-off by Army or Marine pilots. This was for ferrying operations. These aircraft would take off from the carriers but land on an airfield. Army pilots were not trained to land on carriers, neither were the Army aircraft equipped for carrier landings. US Marine pilots & Marine aircraft could operate from carriers if necessary, until they could be established at an airfield.

What battle did the Japanese lose 4 aircraft carriers?

In early June 1942 the battle at Midway marked a significant change in World War II in the Pacific. Just west of Midway, the US Navy attacked and sunk four Japanese aircraft carriers and lost one of their own.

Were there 5 or 6 aircraft carriers in World War 2?

Even if you exclude the smaller aircraft carriers in World War 2, there were still many more than 5 or 6. The US Navy commissioned 23 aircraft carriers of the Essex class during the war, not to mention others in US service, and those used by the British and Japanese navies.

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Which assets became the US Navy primary strike assets after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

Submarines and Aircraft Carriers

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The japanese sought a major defeat of US forces at Midway with four front-line aircraft carriers, the Kaga--90 aircraft, Akagi--91 aircraft, Soryu--73 aircraft, Hiryu--73 aircraft, a total thus of some 327 aircraft carried by all four carriers. In addition to this number, most of their other fleet units carried one or more flaot planes. All four carriers and their planes and pilots were lost Volkhava About 250 but nearly all destroyed

What ships were the 1941 US Pacific Fleet?

In 1941, the Pacific Fleet was comprised of 3 aircraft carriers, 9 battleships, 12 heavy cruisers, 11 light cruisers, 80 destroyers, and 55 submarines.

How many carriers did the us have in December 1941?

By end of 1941; when the US got involved; they had 3 out of it's 4 carriers which were all aircraft ones. Those ships were USS Lexington, USS Enterprise and USS Saratoga. The fourth carrier, USS Yorktown, had been detached from the Pacific Fleet for convoy service in the Atlantic Ocean.

Were there us aircraft carriers in the World War 2 European theater?

None were necessary since the British Isles provided plentiful air bases. However, in the Mediterranean theater, US escort carriers (aka jeep carriers or CVE's) were used to support amphibious landings. These were small aircraft carriers capable of operating about 30 aircraft each, which left the larger US fleet carriers with 70-80 aircraft each available for the Pacific theater.

What are Oriskany Benington and Saratoga?

They are names of US aircraft carriers,

What company builds us aircraft carriers?

Northrop Grumman

Who builds US aircraft carriers?

American Aircraft Carriers are built by Newport News Shipbuilding, which is a subsidiary of Northrop Grumond.

Did the pilots during World War 2 that flew off the navy carriers fall under the army air corp or where they navy?

US Navy Aircraft Carriers normally operated US Navy aircraft flown by US Navy pilots; however sometimes during WW2 these aircraft carriers had US Army Air Force or US Marine Corps aircraft on-board to be flown-off by Army or Marine pilots. This was for ferrying operations. These aircraft would take off from the carriers but land on an airfield. Army pilots were not trained to land on carriers, neither were the Army aircraft equipped for carrier landings. US Marine pilots & Marine aircraft could operate from carriers if necessary, until they could be established at an airfield.

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US aircraft carriers

United States planes wrecked the Japanese invasion fleet at the battle of?

Battle of Midway US naval aircraft sank the four Japanese aircraft carriers that were supporting the invasion force.

How Japanese Aircraft Carriers did the US sink?

The U.S. won the battle of the Midway only because the code breakers could figure out the Japanese codes. During the battle, the U.S. sunk four aircraft carriers, the Akagi, the Kaga, the Soryu, and the Hiryu. The Japanese, however, only sunk the carrier, the U.S.S Yorktown, which was later repaired and sent back into action.