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I think there are many like:

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9y ago

All that i can think of is Columbus, Ohio.

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15y ago

actually, i don't know all 5 but i know 1. Colombia

1 Colombus, Ohio

2 Columbine, Colorado

3 Christopher, NY state

4 Chris, Tenessee

5 Chr, California

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Q: What are the four places named after Columbus?
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What places in the US are named after Chritopher Columbus?


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There are over 40 places named Springfield in the US and 20 places named Columbus. Assuming you're in Ohio, the distance is about 46 miles.

What places in north and south America are Columbus named after?

There are numerous places in North and South America named after Christopher Columbus. They include Colombia, British Columbia, the Panamanian province of Colon, and the cities of Columbus, found in Ohio, Georgia, Indiana, and Mississippi.

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There are many places named after famous explorers. Such as: Columbia, Maryland; Columbia, Missori; Columbus, Ohio; Columbus, Mississippi; and Columbiana; Ohio. These are just a few places named after the explorors. There is actually more than 20 cities named after Christopher Columbue alone.

What is four places that Columbus explored?

America, Jamaica, Cape Verde Islands, Santo Domingo

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There are 25 places named Columbus in the US. The one in Ohio is 676 miles from Savannah. The one in Georgia is 249 miles from Savannah.

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Yes there has THEY named that after columbus!!

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Columbus made four trips. There's a song that helps me remember. Here are the lyrics:In 1492, Columbus made the first of four trips,To the Caribbean on three Spanish ships,Named the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria!

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yes the Columbia river was named after Columbus

Why was Columbus Ohio named Columbus?

Columbus Ohio founded and named after Steve Columbus (Stevo Columbo) in 1725. Steve Columbus was the Great Great Great Grandson of Christopher Columbus.

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Christopher Columbus Has A holiday named after him it is called Columbus Day

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