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The four goals in life are: DHARMA: conducting one's duties with compassion towards all beings; absence of jealousy, greed and cruelty; purity; goodness; and tranquility. ARTHA:earning money honestly to provide for the family; aquiring wealth and power KAMA: pursuing love and pleasure only in marriage MOKSHA: leading the soul towards salvation

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Q: What are the four Hindu goals in life?
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How do you reach your goals in life according Hindu belief?

compassion and honesty to all

How is yoga and Hinduism connected?

Yoga was practiced by saints and munis to achieve the highest goals of life. Since they were hindu Yoga is connected to hinduism.

How do you reach the Hindu goals?

According to Hinduism Ultimate goal of life is Moksha (liberation). Moksha (liberation) can be achieved by meditation, yoga or praying God.

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Moksha, which means emancipation or release, is freedom from Samsara in Hindu, the cycle of death and rebirth. One who achieves Moksha is one who has achieved total self realization and self knowledge. Moksha, along with Dharma, Artha and Kama, represents the four goals of human life.

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What four castes was Hindu society clearly divided?

There are about 3000 castes and 25, 000 sub castes in Hinduism. Therefore, the question must be about the four Varnas into which Hindu society is divided.The Hindu society was and is divided into four Varnas.They are,1. Brahmana Varna2. Kshatriya Varna3. Vaishya Varna4. Shudra Varna.DIVISION OF HINDU LIFE INTO FOUR VARNAS:It has to be mentioned here that it is not only the Hindu society that is divided into four Varnas. The life of every Hindu can be divided into four Varnas.1. Brahmana Varna - ideal part of life2. Kshatriya Varna - normal part of life3. Vaishya Varna - tolerable part of life4. Shudra Varna - chaotic part of life.It has to be mentioned here that the Varnas are not based on occupations as popularly believed. The relationship between Varnas and occupations is symbolic and not factual.The Varnas, like Karma, Moksha and Brahman, are not visible and not compatible with languages. Therefore, each of them is symbolically associated with a basic occupation.

What is 4 goals called?

Four goals.

What is hindus sacred text?

The four 'Vedas' are the most sacred Hindu Texts. They contain rules and guidelines for leading a balanced and healthy life.

Where can you find all kamasutra positions?

The kama sutra is an ancient Hindu text. While there are many positions in the text, the kama sutra is a part of a collection of Hindu philosophy to describe life goals. The kama sutra is widely available in books or online for people who wish to examine it.

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