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Q: What are the features of a non chronological report?
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What is a Non chronologi?

A non-chronological report is when the text (paragraph) are not in order.A non-chronological report (note the revised spacing) is a report that is not in time order. A chronological report would go in order (by years, seasons, months, weeks, etc.) A non-chronological report might cover all the activities of one group, then all the activities of another rather than all of the events that took place in January followed by all of February, etc.

What is a nonchronological report?

A non-chronological report is when the text (paragraph) are not in order.A non-chronological report (note the revised spacing) is a report that is not in time order. A chronological report would go in order (by years, seasons, months, weeks, etc.) A non-chronological report might cover all the activities of one group, then all the activities of another rather than all of the events that took place in January followed by all of February, etc.

What us a non chronological report?

an event that is concurrent with the lining of the planets in the shape of a spiral

What does non chronalogical report mean?

A non-chronological report is a type of writing that does not follow a specific time sequence or order. Instead, it presents information or details about a topic in a more random or thematic manner. This type of report typically focuses on different aspects, characteristics, or features of a subject without detailing events in a sequence.

What does non chronological mean?

Non-chronological reportsNon-chronological reports describe things the way they are, so they usually present information in an objective way. Sometimes, the selection of information by the writer can result in a biased report. As with all text types, variants occur and non-chronological reports can be combined with other text types. A text that is essentially a non-chronological report written in the present tense may include other text types such as other types of report, e.g. when a specific example is provided to add detail to a statement. (Sharks are often seen around the coasts of Britain but they rarely attack people. In 2006, a man was surfing in Cornwall when he was badly bitten but it was the only incident recorded there for twenty years.) Purpose:To provide detailed information about the way things are or were.To help readers/listeners understand what is being described by organising or categorising information. Also it is set in time order.

What is the opposite to chronological?

Non-chronological - because chronological means time order and so non- chronological means not in time order. Please write on my message board if you have received this message! H11pinkyx

What makes a non chronological report good?

Introduction to orientate the readeronal styleUse of complex sentencesPresent tenseFact not opinionNon chronological sequenceNo pro nounsGosh I feel like such a nerd right now lol :) x)Not in time line

What land does angora rabbits come from?

Angora's originate from Ankara, Turkey. If you think I'm a geek don't cuz I had to do a non-chronological report on this!!(yawn!) x

What is non-chronolgical?

When something is in "chronological order", it means it is in order of time. For example, a story might be told in chronological order - explaining the events in the order they happened. "Non-chronological", of course, means that some things are told in a different order.

What is the word that would mean not told in chronological order?
