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Q: What are the ethnic groups in the Bahamas?
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What are the major ethnic groups of the Bahamas?


What are some major groups in the Bahamas?

the major groups in the Bahamas are the native americans

What ethnic group lives in the desert?

well the ethnic groups are the ethnic groups

What types of ethnic groups are in Belgium?

The ethnic groups are ...............

Do people kill others in ethnic groups?

People do kill members of other ethnic groups, and members of ethnic groups also kill members of their own ethnic groups.

What are the ethnic groups for Iran?

There are I believe 5 ethnic Groups

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Ethnic groups of what/where - specify so we can give you an answer.

What are the major ethnic groups of China?

The major Ethnic groups in China are:ZhuangUigurHuiYiTibetanMiaoManchuMongolBuyiKorean

What are the major ethnic groups of belgique?

there are 26 Ethnic groups of Belgium or Belgium

What ethnic groups are mainly Muslim?

hitta man in the hand for the ethnic groups

How many ethnic groups in Indonesia?

There are over 300 Ethnic groups in Indonesia ;)

What are some similarities among Yugoslavia's ethnic groups?

Some similarities are that some ethnic groups forced other ethnic groups to move out of their area and go back to their own ethnic group.