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Frankly speaking the answer to this supposedly simple question may not be as simple as the question itself and I'll tell you why.... The devastating civil war has different effect on different tribes. For some, one tribe's loss is their gain in all ramifications. So simply speaking ,the opinion on the effects of the civil war will be marred in bias opinion and cover ups, because the true effect or the consequences of that fastidious war or pogrom is an indictment on those who parade themselves as leaders or elder statesmen; those who should be heading for the Hague to face war crime and crime against humanity in the current post communist, post colonial unipolar world.

Basically, the effect is so numerous to mention. From, Physical, to economical , to destruction of the entire psychological social fabric that knits a society together. Of course, the Easterners beard the heavy brunt of the war. People forgot, that the Biafran territoty was the play ground for the gang of the Federal government backed by colonial master; The Great Britiain, Soviet Union, Almost all the Islamic world, in short almost every nation except for, France, Ivory Coast, Haiti, Tanzania, along with various charities and individuals across the world, especially some Americans. United States herself was involved in the messsy Viet Nam war, but mostly gave a blanch cheque to Great Britain to do as she wished.

It will take all day to actually diseminate or chronicle the effect that war in full full detail right here, maybe a more realistic approach will be doing it in segments. We can start by asking what is really wrong with post civil war Nigerian society? Why are we the way we are? Why are we so dysfunctional and do things that are in variance with the basic human and societal standard? Why are we so cynical and self destructive? How come every generation seem to have their dreams deffered and years past seem better than the current era and the future seem very bleak. The irony of the whole issue is that Nigerians are in dennial. The refuse to face up to the fact that something is inherently wrong with the Nigerian Society. It is true that each life's experience shapes who we become so is true of the civil war.

For the Easterners, the most brilliant generation was lost in the civil war. The Easterners emerging from the losing side of the war had to face up with the dire consequences of coming from losing a war. Although will claim that Gen. Gowon's proclamation of no Victor , No Vanquished made everything alright; but not so. The economic devastation started almost immediately. Most Easterners, had to start life from the scratch. In fact, the Late Awolowo, introduced a policy that devastated the Easterners economically. Under his ministry of Finance a deliberate policy was introduced putting a cap on the amount each Easterner can get, regardless of how much he or she deposited before the war broke out. This was early 70s, at the same time some other people on the Nigerian sides were encouraged and aided through banks loans and what have to purchase shares and equity in some of the major corporations and organizations, creating an overwhelming domination of the organized private sector in Nigeria. The same lopsided policy was introduced across the board in what supposed to be one Nigeria. The effect of some these ill advised policies are still playing out. Most men of Eastern extraction, especially the Igbos who survived the war statistics will reveled that they had shorter life span compared to their Yoruba and Hausa counterparts. Automatically their zeal for pursuit of educated was directly affected as survival took precedent, resulting in the popular Igbo traders phenomenon. Some of those traders could have been the greatest minds that could've changed the Nigeria economic and social landscape.

Then you have this unofficial policy of Biafra shall not rise again! A policy that dealt a devastating blow to Nigerian holisitic and sustainable development. It is like a tripod trying to balance on two legs; almost impossible. It must continuously be supported or aided to stand, just like the Nigerian Nation has been unable to stand still and tall with its huge potentials. After the war, there was this parannoyal that all of a sudden the Biafrans will rise again and challenge the injustice they were subjected to. Just like the injustice of the first world as perceived by the Germans gave birth to the second world war. So the military leadership of that time and in fact, subsequent administrations towed the strategy of Biafra shall not rise again. One may ask, what are these policies? Let's just look at some instances; In planning post civil war Nigeria, the Eastern Nigeria, including the present South South, were deliberately eschewed or sidetracked, even though those areas are the most productive parts of country. Take for example Nigeria lost most of her citizens on car accident simply because the Government deliberately refused to develop infrastructure of those areas they considered part of Biafran territory. They ensured that all the seaports, airports, railway, and everything that may prove strategic to the suspicious Biafra never received any attention. The dual carriage way for instance, started from Shagamu and terminated at Benin city in the present Edo state, leaving the other half that connects the current Delta, Southeast and the rest of the oil producing South South single lane for decades, and God knows how many people of that region lost their lives on that narrow busy highway. The Niger Bridge, till today is still a story, meanwhile some other parts of the nation with little or no economic benefits are being inundated with infrastructures that adds little or n o value to the economic or social development of Nigeria. in fact, for a long long time the Easterners have to come to Lagos to send ordinary telex or make phone calls to their foreign partners. Till tomorrow all major goods must be cleared in Lagos and then haulaged to else where in the Eastern region, despite seaport in Calabar, Portharcourt, Warri etc. Why? because the policy makers in their myopic mind, believe that these infrastructures the back bone of a nations development may aid or serve the interest of the Biafran territory, and perhaps help in their ability to engage in another rebellion. One can go on and on, and sadly enough this mind set still plays out till this day, yet we wonder why we are under performing. Competence and qualification does not determine your position, instead it is where you come from. In fact, some positions in the federal government are considered ; No go Area for people of Eastern Nigeria, until most recently. The result; mediocrity and stagnation.

Then the win the war mentality. The military boys that prosecuted the war, eventually became the leaders under the military Dictatorship. Psychologically, these see the entire Nigerian entity as a war booty than must be shared among themselves, and thats exactly what they have done and continue to do. Little wonder that just about nevery Former General owns an oil bloc, and are chairmen of some of the most strategic companies in Nigeria. And with their win the war booty and idiosyncrasy, their dysfunctional approach to leadership became the new normal for the greater society. Immediate effect, fire brigade approach to everything. The violence, the destruction of the civil society and the police force, all in effort to reign supreme. Today, with much of the wealth cornered by the win the war generation, they use their wealth to perpetuate their failed policy and ideas with their deep seated resentment of those they still consider their enemies.

Perhaps we all need services of the professional psychologist and psychotherapist, to help all that are wounded to heal and face up to the challenges of building a more sane and equitable society. "He who fail to realize where the rain started beating him may not know when the rain stops beating him. we need to take that backward step, and revisit or examine the devastating effect of that sad civil war.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

Well I'm sure it was hunger strike or starvation that caused children to get Kwashiorkor because of malnutrition and severe that resulted to blockade and children got tropical illnesses

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