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1. guard the sheep or the members of the church from heretic teachings.

2. feed the the members with the Holy Word of God

3. visit sick members physically and spiritually.

4. conduct training and seminar that will nurture the faith of the church members.

lead church members to witness to other people who have yet known Jesus.

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Q: What are the duties of the Pastor of a church?
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Fleece you to make a good living!

What is a lay pastor?

A lay pastor may mean something different depending on the denomination. lay pastor's must learn his church's doctrine .lay pastors visit in hospitals and jails comforting all people not just people of his own church, working hand in hand with the pastor. duties include:Leading bible studys,helping in church ministry's and praying with people.

Is pastor a word?

Yes, the word pastor is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a clergy person, a person in charge of a Christian congregation or church. The word pastor is also a verb for performing the duties of a pastor.

What is the duties of a pastor?

That would depend on the church some "pastors" have full authority and all church business it done by them others do not and some have very little authority

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to check the well being of the pulpit, giving the pastor juice, water, towel and to check on the member of the church and to assist with funeral.

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Rev. Jeremiah Wright retired from his church in 2008, after many years as its chief pastor; he is now Pastor Emeritus, but does not have any day-to-day duties.

What is a monsignor's role in the Catholic Church?

Monsignor is strictly an honorary title in the Catholic Church and most who receive the title are simply pastors in local parishes who have the normal duties of any pastor.

What are the duties of the pastors aides?

Although the pastor of a church sets the spiritual vision and leads the church he is answerable to the board. Like any corporation the board members are elected in annual business meetings by the congregation to serve a set period of time. Their primarily duties are to oversee the finances and make sure the church organization continues to run smoothly. They determine the pay rates of the church staff and what project are to be funded as well as help to run things when the pastor is away.

Does co-pastor automatically become pastor when pastor dies?

Sometimes, but usually the church council decides who will become the next pastor. If the church has no council, then the clergy members of the church will come together and decide which one of them will be pastor.

What are the duties of a Pastors Aide Board?

Although the pastor of a church sets the spiritual vision and leads the church he is answerable to the board. Like any corporation the board members are elected in annual business meetings by the congregation to serve a set period of time. Their primarily duties are to oversee the finances and make sure the church organization continues to run smoothly. They determine the pay rates of the church staff and what project are to be funded as well as help to run things when the pastor is away.

What are the duties of the stewardess in the AME church?

The stewardess are appointed by the Pastor to serve a course of one year. The duties of a stewardess in the A.M.E. Churc his to assist the Pastor in the adminstering of the Holy sacarments ( Holy Communion, Holy Baptism). They are to prepare the elements for the Holy communion service and provide a bowl of water for the Holy Baptism.

How long should church wait after pastor dies?

Wait for what? To get a new Pastor? We have a guy at our Church who Preaches if our Pastor can't make it to Church or if he passes away