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Q: What are the difficulties to adopt a new culture?
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What is adoptive culture?

An adoptive culture would be a culture that one moves into and chooses to live the lifestyle of. They choose to adopt the culture of their new home.

What are the Difficulties that a new recruit can face at work?

Difficulties that a new recruit can face at work are follows: * Improper Orientation * Expectations are not clarified * Company culture is not clarified * Unable to network quickly * Assume qualifications will equal success

What culture did Rome adopt from after conquering Carthage?

Rome did not adopt any cultures after the conquest of Carthage. It continued with its own Roman culture.

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but they did...

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The Germanic peoples who lived on the fringes of the Roman Empire and those who invaded the western part of this empire were influenced by Roman culture. They did not adopt it. They retained their distinctive culture. The influence was due to contact with the Romans

Who did the Romans conquer and then adopt much of their culture?

the Greeks - much roman mythology and culture was taken from the Hellenistic peoples.

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People moving to a new country may face challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, homesickness, adjusting to a new environment, finding suitable accommodation, establishing a social network, navigating legal requirements, and adapting to new customs and traditions. It can be a significant adjustment that requires time, effort, and patience.

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