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Private - PTE Lance Corporal - LCPL Corporal - CPL Sergeant - SGT Staff Sergeant -SSGT Warrant Officer Second Class - WO2 Warrant Officer First Class - WO1 Regimental Sergeant Major Of The Army - RSM-A 2nd Lieutenant - 2LT Lieutenant - LT Captain - CPT Major - MAJ Lieutenant Colonel - LCOL Colonel - COL Brigadier - BRIG Major General - MAJGEN Lieutenant General - LTGEN General - GEN __________________ Field Marshal - FM (Only 2 Known Ever Field Marshal's)

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13y ago

In order it goes:


Leading Aircraftsman/woman



Flight Sergeant

Warrant Officer

Pilot Officer

Flying Officer

Flight Lieutenant

Squadron Leader

Wing Commander

Group Captain

Air Commodore

Air Vice Marshal

Air Marshal

Air Chief Marshal

Marshal of the RAAF

Hope that helps you out

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12y ago

Recruit, Cadet, Lance Corporal, Corporal, Sargent, Staff Sargent, CUO, Warrant Officer Class 1, Warrant Officer Class 2, Regional CUO.

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Q: What are the different ranks in the Australian Air force?
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Are ranks in the us army the same as in the US Air Force at present 2011?

The officer ranks are both the same. However the enlisted ranks are different. The Army also has Warrant Officers where as the Air Force does not.

What is Non-Navy ranks?

That would be ranks in the Army or Air Force.

What are the ranks in the air force?

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When was Royal Australian Air Force created?

Royal Australian Air Force was created in 1921.

What is the highest rank in the Australian air force?

Normally, Air-Chief-Marshal Exceptionally, Marshal of the Royal Australian Air Force¹

When was Australian First Tactical Air Force created?

Australian First Tactical Air Force was created in 1944.

When was Women's Auxiliary Australian Air Force created?

Women's Auxiliary Australian Air Force was created in 1941.

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Australian Air Force Cadets's motto is 'Educate, Challenge, Excites'.

How do the marines and army differ?

The Marines are a component of the Department of the Navy, and the Army is a component of the Department of the Army. Also, the Army and Marine Corps have different force structures, missions, and cultural/heritage items.

Military ranks in the Royal Canadian Air Force?

None. The Royal Canadian Air Force was dissolved in 1968.

What ranks are air force pilots?

Navy pilots usually start out with the rank of Lt. Junior grade, or Lt. They can be as high as Commander, Captain, or even Admiral.

What are the three defense forces in Australia?

The 3 branches of the Australian Defence Force are the Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Australian Army & the Royal Australian Navy.