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Two major differences in the Roman cult was that, like in most ancient religions, it performed sacrifices and divination.

Roman rites usually included sacrifices (sacrificia) which were offering to the gods to honour and pacify them. The Romans interpreted natural disasters and epidemics as being caused by the wrath of the gods. Failing to honour them with sacrifices equalled risking to incur their ire. The most potent offering was animal sacrifice (immolatio), typically domesticated animals such as cattle, sheep and pigs. This sought to harmonise the earthly and divine. The victim had to seem willing to offer its own life on behalf of the community. It had to remain calm and be "delivered" quickly and cleanly. Some archaic rites involved the sacrifice of goats and dogs.

The sacrifices to the di superi (gods of the sky) were performed in daylight and publicly. The sacrifice was preceded by a procession and followed by a feast where the meat of the victim was shared. The victim for the di superi had to be white animals of the same sex as the god. The sacrifices for the di terreni (terrestrial, earthly gods) did not involve feasts and sharing of the victim's meat. The sacrifices to the di inferi (gods of the underworld) and the shades of the dead (manes) were performed at night and the victims were burned (Holocaust). These victims could not be eaten because the living could not share a meal with the dead. Sometimes these victims were pregnant females. The di superi, terreni and inferi had different types of altars: altaria for the first type, arae for the second and foci (fire pits) for the third.

There were also unbloody sacrifices (libatio; i.e., libation). These usually accompanied bloody sacrifices. Cereal and scents mixed with salt were sprinkled over the victims, wine was poured between the horns and incense was burnt. Libations were also performed independently and involved offerings of honey, milk, and other fluids, undiluted or diluted. Incense could also be burnt on altars independently. Fragrant woods (cedar, vine, myrtle-wood) were also burnt on altars independently. Fruit was a Thanksgiving offering at harvest time. Cakes were offerings reserved to certain deities- Apollo was one of them. Flower-garlands, wheat, salt, wine-soaked bread and violets were offered to the manes (shades of the dead) in the parentalia, a festival in honour of family ancestors.

One common part of these rites was the sacrifices (sacrificia) which were offering to the gods to honour and pacify them. The Romans interpreted natural disasters and epidemics as being caused by the wrath of the gods. Failing to honour them with sacrifices equalled risking incurring their ire. The most potent offering was animal sacrifice (immolatio), typically domesticated animals such as cattle, sheep and pigs. This sought to harmonise the earthly and divine. The victim had to seem willing to offer its own life on behalf of the community. It had to remain calm and be "delivered" quickly and cleanly. Some archaic rites involved the sacrifice of goats and dogs.

The sacrifices to the di superi (gods of the sky) were performed in daylight and publicly. The sacrifice was preceded by a procession and followed by a feast where the meat of the victim was shared. The victim for the di superi had to be white animals of the same sex as the god. The sacrifices for the di terreni (terrestrial, earthly gods) did not involve feasts and sharing of the victim's meat. The sacrifices to the di inferi (gods of the underworld) and the shades of the dead (manes) were performed at night and the victims were burned (holocaust). These victims could not be eaten because the living could not share a meal with the dead. Sometimes these victims were pregnant females. The di superi, terreni and inferi had different types of altars: altaria for the first type, arae for the second and foci (fire pits) for the third.

There were also unbloody sacrifices (libatio; i.e., libation). These usually accompanied bloody sacrifices. Cereal and scents mixed with salt were sprinkled over the victims, wine was poured between the horns and incense was burnt. Libations were also performed independently and involved offerings of honey, milk, and other fluids, undiluted or diluted. Incense could also be burnt on altars independently. Fragrant woods (cedar, vine, myrtle-wood) were also burnt on altars independently. Fruit was a thanksgiving offering at harvest time. Cakes were offerings reserved to certain deities- Apollo was one of them. Flower-garlands, wheat, salt, wine-soaked bread and violets were offered to the manes (shades of the dead) in the parentalia, a festival in honour of family ancestors.

Another religious rite was augury. This was the divination of the omen of the gods. For actions which involved the public good or warfare, the Romans believed in consulting the gods to see if they had their approval. Priests called the augurs used signs for the sky, the fight of birds and the behaviour of several animals to interpret the omens. The haruspices, performed the same role, but did so by reading the entrails of animals. The priest would say whether the omens (signs) were good or bad. Good omens suggested the approval of the consulted god. Bad omens suggested disapproval and that the action was not to be undertaken.

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To put it simply, the Romans were polytheists, which means that they worshiped many gods. Our religion today (or most of them) are monotheistic, which means we worship only one God.


Today all religions teach to find yourself first and you will get all answers. "selfrealizaton"

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Q: What are the differences between Roman religion and religion today?
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How do you still use Roman religion today?

Roman religion died out nearly 2,000 years ago and we do not use it today. What we have inherited form the Romans are Catholic and Orthodox Christianity. Christianity spread around the Roman Empire and developed into the Catholic and Orthodox creeds in the Roman days. The former was the religion of the western part of the Roman Empire and the latter was the religion of the eastern part of the Roman Empire.

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Rhode island was free to worship as please. they had no strict religion.

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The economy is on big difference.

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Differences between parliament today and in 1295;

How did the Romans influence the spread of religion and what was the main religion they practiced?

The Romans spread two different religions: pagan religion and Catholicism. In the early days of the Roman empire, they spread pagan Roman religion that is usually referred today as Roman Mythology. In 312 AD, Emperor Constantine converted to Catholicism, and made it the state religion in 313. After that point Catholicism was spread by the sword across the Roman Empire. This practice continued until the fall of the Roman Empire, and was picked up by most of the kingdoms that rose out of that collapse. The general way of spreading religion within the Roman Empire, and even more so by the governments that followed the fall of the Roman Empire, was if you did not convert to Catholicism, you died.

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