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What are the determinants of third world foreign policy?

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Q: What are the determinants of third world foreign policy?
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The u.s policy during the first world war was policy of isolation

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Rajesh Chandra has written: 'Industrialization and development in the Third World' -- subject(s): Industrial policy, Industrialization, Dependency on foreign countries

Who established the foreign policy?

The question is unanswerable if the country whose foreign policy is being asked about is not specified. There are around 200 countries in the world.

Has there been a foreign policy since world war 1?

There is no "a" foreign policy. Every national political group - especially but not exclusively states - pursues it's own foreign policy. There has been countless stances of foreign policy before, during, and since World War One. You need to be more specific for a less general answer - say, inquiring about the foreign policy stance of the United States, or Russia, or some other nation.

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