

Best Answer
  • wheel
  • mortal and pestle for grinding foods
  • astronomy
  • cultivation of grains
  • pottery
  • writing (cuneiform)
  • irrigation,canals,dams
  • measuring and surveying materials
  • religion
  • polytheistic
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11y ago
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13y ago

Some of the contributions were things like school and cuneiform, which is wedged shape writing in clay. This made possible the first literature, poetry, letters, bills, and accounting systems, they also invented the wheel, the first wheeled vehicles and many of the farm tools that are still used such as hoes, shovels, and rakes. The Phoenicians created the first alphabet. Some of their letters are still used today, though somewhat changed in form. The Mesopotamians also made ziggurats, which were sacred 'mountain' temples to their gods. Egyptians later borrowed the idea of step-shaped buildings and converted them into pyramids. Ancient Mesopotamians invented the system by which we still keep time using base 20. They devised the twelve month calendar which we still use. The calendar they developed used constellations to tell time, from this study of the stars came Astrology. They developed the first mathematics and geometry. King Hammurabi is credited with the idea of written laws. Some Mesopotamians began to worship one god instead of many, a belief that is central to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. They built two of the wonders of the ancient world: the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the royal tomb at Halicarnassus. The Hittites were the first to make and use iron weapons which revolutionized warfare.

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14y ago

Mesopotamians were very helpful people. The created indoor plumping almost 200 yrs. before any other civilization. They also were the first people to form a city state. The Mesopotamians also are believed to have created writing. They were also the first to let women go to school.

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15y ago

* Architecture * Astronomy * Bleaching/dying * Calendars * City building * Cobblestone streets * Cultivation of grains * Day of 24 hours * Domestication of livestock * Irrigation, canals, dams * Legal system * Mathematics based on base 60 * Measuring and surveying instruments * Medical writing * Metal working * Plows * Pottery * Religion * Urban Plumbing * Wheeled vehicles * Writing (cuneiform)

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15y ago

1) one of the first writing system: cuneiform

2) the first written code of law: code of Hammurabi

hmm..that's all I can think of for now.

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16y ago

Water clock, the twelve-month calendar based on lunar cycles, the wheel, the plow, and the sailboat. We have gotten some modern inventions from these.

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Q: What are the contribution of Mesopotamia?
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How were plows a major contribution in Mesopotamia?

The plow was a major contribution in Mesopotamia because the plow would help the hunter gathers with farming and the hunter gathers would be able to settle in anywhere.

What is one important contribution from each of the four empires of mesopotamia?

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What is at least one contribution of the people that lived in Mesopotamia?

They settled, farmed, produced a surplus and so developed a civilisation.

Is cuneiform a greek contribution?

No, cuneiform writing is not a Greek contribution. Cuneiform is one of the earliest known forms of writing, developed by the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) around 3400 BCE. Greek contributions to writing include the development of the Greek alphabet.

Was sargon from Mesopotamia?

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What is the land between the Tigris and the Euphrates river called?

Mesopotamia or the Fertile Crescent .

What is a catchy slogan for Mesopotamia?

Mesopotamia is an ancient land seeped in history and diversity. A slogan for Mesopotamia could include, " Mesopotamia: Land of knowledge." or "Mesopotamia: the ultimate Sandy Oasis."

What does mesopotamia have?

mesopotamia has four empires.Bubba

Are the Hittites from Mesopotamia?

That is north of Mesopotamia.

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Who conquerd Mesopotamia

What came first Mesopotamia or Stonehenge?

The Summarian civilizations of Mesopotamia

The earliest civilization in the world?

Sumerians were the first structured civilization on Earth. They were part of the mesopotamians.