For a quality answer, take a look at the Bell UH-1 Iroquois website.
Check the website on the UH-1 Iroquois (aka Huey). The UH stands for Utility Helicopter, and be advised the term "Huey" was also used to ID the HueyCobra (officially designated as the AH-1/Attack Helicopter/the world's first designed and built ATTACK helicopter).
Bell designed and built the Huey. The term "Huey" came from using the words/letters UH all the time in Vietnam...the UH-1 Iroquois (UH=Utility Helicopter); all US Army choppers minus the Cobra are (were) named after American Indian tribes: Blackhawk, Iroquois, Apache, Cayuse, Kiowa, Chinook, Shawnee, Mohawk (an airplane, fixed wing), Sioux, etc.
During the Vietnam War, approximately 2,000 UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) helicopter crewmen were killed.
"One" of many highly decorated helicopter crews, was MAJ. Stephen Pless and his three (Huey) UH-1 crewmen, of the US Marine Corps.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Houghton Park at Atlantic Avenue and Harding Street in Long Beach. it is a Huey Helicopter mounted on a pillar.
The Blackhawk was designed to be the Huey's replacement.
The inventor of the Huey helicopter is Connor Lucas, who first introduced the idea to Bell Helicopter company; a company of which still is very prosperous today.
The Huey (UH-1, originally HU-1 [hence the "Huey" name]) helicopter is designed and built by the Bell Aircraft Corporation which is now called Bell Helicopter Textron.
115 mph
Chopper Huey Helio Helli
Battle Stations - 2000 Huey Helicopter 3-4 was released on: USA: 2004
Some common nicknames for a helicopter are copter, chopper, hook, stick buddy, huey, helio, helo and whirlybird. Helicopters were used for medical evacuation but they are now the primary vehicle for air assault.
Huey was replaced in US service by the UH-60 Blackhawk.
The original Huey of Vietnam war flew about 120 mph. In the Canadian Air Force we have twin jet Huey versions that will do about 145.
The Model of the Huey Helicopter was hanging above the High School Diploma in Col. Blake's office and not in Col. Potters office.
Check the website on the UH-1 Iroquois (aka Huey). The UH stands for Utility Helicopter, and be advised the term "Huey" was also used to ID the HueyCobra (officially designated as the AH-1/Attack Helicopter/the world's first designed and built ATTACK helicopter).