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A projectized organization's structure is organized around projects. Most of the organization's resources are devoted to the projects.

the project team members report directly to the project manager who has a great deal of independence and authority (Imagine the structure in the Functional Organization) He reports directly to the CEO and has great control over his team and especially on what happens to his team members (Unlike the functional structure where the team is at the mercy of the functional manager)

Along with the responsibility comes the high level of autonomy over the projects. The projects managers are a happy bunch of people in a Projectized organization. The functional and projectized organizations are like north and south poles of a magnet.

A project manager in a projectized organization has the following attributes:

• The project manager is full-time.

• The project manager has full authority over the project team.

• There is full-time administrative staff to help with the project.

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Q: What are the characteristics of project organization and Explain how these characteristics affect the control system of a project?
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