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they change was the martin lurtin built a catholic church and very different from those of the pope

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The Reformation brought significant changes to the religious, political, and cultural landscape of Europe. It led to the fragmentation of the Catholic Church and the rise of Protestant denominations, challenging the authority of the Pope. It also sparked religious conflicts, like the Thirty Years' War, and contributed to the development of modern ideas about individual freedom, religious tolerance, and the separation of church and state. Additionally, the Reformation played a role in the spread of literacy and the translation of The Bible into vernacular languages.

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What is the difference between reformation and revolution?

A reformation is a violent overthrow of the government, and a reformation is where the government changes peacefully.

What made the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation different?

The difference between them is that the Catholic Reformation was the response to the Protestant Reformation. The Protestanst accused the Catholic Church of indulgences (paying for your sins to essentially be erased), being able to pay for your religious post, and to be able to have more than one post at a time, and many other scandals. Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the Church door in Wittenberg and from then, the Protestant Reformation started and eventually, the Church held the Council of Trent, whose goal was to purify the Church. The Jesuits were formed from the Catholic Reformation. The Jesuits were formed by St. Ignatius of Loyola and they converted people to Catholicism. They were considered one of the bright lights of the Catholic Reformation.

What is the edwardian reformation?

what was the edwar4dian reformation

What is the term used to describe the period of changes that occurred within the Roman Catholic Church during the end of the Middle Ages?

Reformation it was accociated with pagen rituals

Are the Reformation and the Catholic Reformation the same thing?

No, the Protestant Reformation is better titled the Protestant Revolt. The Catholic Reformation was just that, a reform of the abuses occurring at the time within the Church.

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What is the difference between reformation and revolution?

A reformation is a violent overthrow of the government, and a reformation is where the government changes peacefully.

What was a 16 century movement in which the Roman Catholic Church sought to make changes in response to the Protestant Reformation?

The Protestant Reformation :)

What changes during the late roman empire that helped establish Christianity and stabilize the church?

the reformation

What changes took place as towns grew and developed in the middle ages?

Cause and effect of reformation

What were 2 differences and 2 similarities between the reformation and the counter-reformation?

Two differences between the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation are their goals: the Reformation aimed to reform the Catholic Church and break away from it, while the Counter-Reformation sought to reform the Catholic Church from within. Similarly, the Reformation focused on individual interpretation of scripture, while the Counter-Reformation emphasized the authority of the Pope and Church teachings. One similarity is that both movements led to significant changes in the practice and theology of Christianity. Another similarity is that both the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation spurred intellectual and cultural developments in Europe.

What is the turning point in the story a retrieved reformation?

The turning point in "A Retrieved Reformation" is when Jimmy Valentine decides to use his safecracking skills for good by saving a child trapped in a vault, despite the risk of being caught. This act of selflessness leads to his reformation and ultimately changes the course of his life.

What social changes took place between 1450 and 1770?

The renaissance The protestant reformation The discovery of the New World The enlightenment The french revolution

How did the Reformation lead to the growth of feudalism?

The Reformation did not lead to the growth of feudalism; in fact, it occurred during the decline of the feudal system. The Reformation was a religious movement in the 16th century that challenged the authority of the Catholic Church and led to significant social and political changes in Europe, but it did not directly impact the feudal system.

What does Jimmy change his name in the story A Retrieved Reformation?

Jimmy changes his name to Ralph D. Spencer in the story "A Retrieved Reformation." He does this in an effort to start a new, reformed life as a respected member of society after his release from prison.

What prompted the catholic reformation during the sixteenth cetury?

The Catholic Reformation, also known as the Counter-Reformation, was prompted by the challenge posed by the Protestant Reformation. Leaders in the Catholic Church sought to address criticisms and reform certain practices within the church, such as corruption and the sale of indulgences, in order to combat the spread of Protestantism and strengthen the church's influence. This led to changes and revitalization within the Catholic Church.

How did the catholic church reform itself in response to the protestant changes Papacy?

During the counter-reformation, the papacy was reformed to address corruption.

What is cultural reformation?

for me a cultural reformation is a reformation cultural