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Hezbollah has published three main documents that list its objectives.

In 1985, Hezbollah published a Manifesto which outlined its objectives.

First, Hezbollah sought to expel the United States, France, and their allies from Lebanon.

Second, Hezbollah sought to bring all Lebanese who perpetrated crimes against Muslims and Christians to justice.

Third, Hezbollah called for a popularly elected representative form of government, preferably Islamic.

Fourth, Hezbollah called for Israel's destruction.1

In 2009, Hezbollah published a second Manifesto, which outlined new objectives but did not retract the old Manifesto.

First, Hezbollah renewed its call for a representative political system.

Second, Hezbollah renewed its call for resistance against Israel, but stopped short of demanding its destruction.

Third, Hezbollah called for better relations with Arab states.

Fourth, Hezbollah called on the Arab world to recognize Iran as the leader of the Muslim world.2

Finally, in 2010, Naim Qassem, Hezbollah's Deputy Secretary General published a lengthy book outlining the organization's objectives. The book supported both the 1985 and 2010 manifesto and added some new objectives.

First, resist Israel.

Second, provide social services for Lebanon.

Third, assist the Palestinian's resistance movement against Israel.

Fourth, create a representative form of government.

Fifth, create unity with Lebanese Christians and other religious sects.3

From these three documents, one can readily see that Hezbollah's highest priorities are to defeat Israel and create a representative government. Hezbollah continues to increase its military strength but it remains inferior to Israel's powerful military. During the 2006 War, however, Hezbollah did demonstrate that it could challenge Israel's military and inflict substantial causalities.4 Hezbollah also continues to gain political power in the Lebanese Parliament and now controls the cabinet. Nonetheless, Lebanon is bitterly divided amongst religions and a truly representative government that divides power fairly between Muslims and Christians remains in the distant future.

1. "An Open Letter: The Hizbollah Program," The Jerusalem Quarterly 48 (1988).

2. "Hezbollah's New Political Document," Syrian News Station (November 11, 2009).

3. Naim Qassem, Hizbullah: The Story From Within, (2010), these objectives are scattered throughout the book.

4. Shai Feldman, "The 2006 War: A Preliminary Assessment," Crown Center for Middle East Studies 10 (2006).

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