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While the concept of "fifth generation of computers" can be interpreted in different ways, referring to the current or future state of computing technology, it is important to note that we have not yet reached a consensus on the specific characteristics or limitations of such a generation. Therefore, it is challenging to provide specific disadvantages for a hypothetical fifth generation of computers.

However, it is possible to discuss potential challenges or disadvantages that may arise as computing technology progresses. These can include:

Complexity and cost: Advanced technologies often come with increased complexity and cost. The development, production, and maintenance of fifth-generation computer systems could require substantial investments and expertise, potentially limiting accessibility.

Compatibility and interoperability: With advancements in computing technology, compatibility and interoperability challenges may arise between existing systems and newer generations. Transitioning or integrating with previous technologies can be complex and require additional effort.

Ethical concerns: As technology advances, ethical considerations become more complex. For example, the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on privacy, security, job displacement, and decision-making processes raises ethical questions that need to be addressed.

Human-machine interaction: The increased integration of AI and machine learning into computer systems could result in challenges related to human-machine interaction. Ensuring intuitive interfaces, addressing user concerns about automation, and maintaining a balance between automation and human control may be important considerations.

Security and privacy: Advanced computer systems may present new security risks and vulnerabilities. As technology progresses, ensuring robust security measures and protecting user privacy become critical factors.

It's important to note that these potential disadvantages are speculative and based on assumptions about the future of computing technology. The actual disadvantages of a fifth generation of computers would depend on the specific technological advancements, implementations, and societal considerations that emerge in that particular era.

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10y ago

The disadvantages of fifth generation computers have yet to be agreed upon, but many feel that they are two of its advantages: AI and the overall advanced technology. The addition of AI worries many due to the computers possibly becoming smart enough to replace humans altogether, and many people are becoming reliant on the advanced technology for tasks that they can do without computers.

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11y ago

advantages and disadvantages of 4th generation computer


  1. Smallest in size because of high component density.
  2. Very reliable.
  3. Heat generated is negligible.
  4. No air conditioning required in most cases.
  5. Much faster in computation than previous generations.
  6. Hardware failure is negligible and hence minimal maintenance is required.
  7. Easily portable because of their small size.
  8. Totally general purpose.
  9. Minimal labour and cost involved at assembly stage.
  10. Cheapest among all generations.


  1. Highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacture of LSI chips.
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13y ago

fifth generation computers have blazing fast speeds, longer battery life, better graphics and performace. However, fifth generation computer give more power to the compaines to see what you are doing and to infect your computer

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the fifth generation computers?
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Advantages and disadvantages of fifth generation computers?

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First generation: Advantages - Faster calculations than manual methods. Disadvantages - Limited memory capacity and high maintenance requirements. Second generation: Advantages - Faster, smaller, and more reliable. Disadvantages - Still required a lot of maintenance and costly. Third generation: Advantages - Faster processing speeds and better memory capacity. Disadvantages - Still expensive and required skilled personnel to operate. Fourth generation: Advantages - Smaller, faster, and more affordable. Disadvantages - Can be complex to program and may require external storage for large data sets. Fifth generation: Advantages - Advanced artificial intelligence capabilities and parallel processing. Disadvantages - Complex development and implementation, as well as high cost.

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Disadvantages of fifth generation computers?

A disadvantage of fifth generation computers is that they can give more power to companies to watch what you are doing and even allow them to infect your computer. Another disadvantage is that they tend to be sophisticated and complex tools.

What are expectations about fifth generation computer?

Lack of thinking power in computers was a challenge for the scientists. So they are trying for this and there all expectation about fifth generation computers are ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and EXPERT SYSTEMS. The scientists want the computer like a human being and these are all expectations about fifth generation computers.

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The speed of computers increased from one generation to the next generation, and to the next generation, and so on.

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The main difference between first generation and fifth generation computers is upgrades. Typically, first generation is more of a beta system and fifth has had many upgrades added to it to make it run faster and has a better performance.

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It means that with each so-called "generation", there was a major breakthrough in computers. Terms such as "fourth generation" or "fifth generation" are not clearly defined, especially for the later generations.

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john lee okrany