German words for empire are Imperium or Reich.
6 grandpa was a German Jew who was in a concentration camp before the war started...he got out and fled to Scotland...sent to a prison camp as he was German and recruited into the SOE from there. Crazy story but true.
By using an English to German dictionary ... The problem of doing translations this way is that the words may be correctly translated, but the grammar is likely to be incorrect. There are websites that will do translations, You can use Google to find these.
爷爷 = grandpa
No, Grandpa Dan was in America at the time of the Holocaust. Grandpa Will was the on in it. He went to the concentration camps and everything. If you remember, he had the number on his arm. :)
In German, grandpa is Großvater or Opa.
Grandma in German is "Oma" and grandpa is "Opa".
Grandmother- Großmutter and Grandpa- Großvater.Together, these are your grandparents- Großeltern.
Weltbester Großvater
Großvater = Grandfather Opa = Grandpa
Uropa (great grandpa) Urgroßvater (great grandfather)
Großvater. We don't use it though. It's "Opa" what we say.
The Austrian German translation for grandfather is "Großvater."
There's no such language as "Belgian". The three official languages of Belgium are French, Flemish/Dutch, and German.
There are many Jewish languages, but you probably mean Hebrew. In any event, opa has no meaning in Hebrew. It is a German word for grandpa. In Hebrew, Grandpa is Saba (סבא)Opa is also an interjection in Greek.