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hydrogen, oxyegen, nitrogen, carbohydrates

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Q: What are the 4 types of elements necessary for life on earth?
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Are planet is different from other planets because?

Earth is the only known planet that contains the necessary elements and life sustaining environment for life, as we know it, to flourish

What are the source of life in earth?

The primary sources of life on Earth are water, energy from the sun, and organic molecules such as carbon-based compounds. These elements provide the necessary building blocks and environment for life to exist and thrive.

Why is sodium chloride iconic?

Salt is one of the most abundant substances on earth, and made of two elements poisonous to life, yet they combine to provide a mixture necessary for life as we know it.

What substance is necessary for life on earth?

The sun!

What kinds of atoms are necessary for life on earth?

The primary atoms necessary for life on Earth include carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur. These atoms form the building blocks of essential molecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, which serve critical functions in living organisms.

Why are the elements carbonhydrogenand nitrogen important to life on earth?

because these 4 elements that are listed are the most common elements on planet earth. most percentage of the eart is made of there 4 elements but not all some elments like iron are also there but a extremly small percentage

On which planet are there many types of life?


Is nitrogen and sulfur bad for the earth?

no, in fact they are necessary for life.

Is precipitation necessary for the survival of life on earth?

Figure it out yourself

Is carbon necessary for life?

Yes, carbon is necessary for life as it is a key component of all organic molecules, including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Life on Earth is carbon-based, and the unique properties of carbon allow for a wide variety of complex molecules to form the basis of biological processes.

Why is NASA important to life on earth?

NASA is important to life on Earth because it conducts research and provides valuable data on climate change, natural disasters, and environmental health. They also contribute to technological advancements that benefit society, such as satellite communications, weather forecasting, and medical innovations. Additionally, NASA continues to inspire and educate people around the world, promoting curiosity, innovation, and global cooperation.

What is necessary for human life on earth?

Oxygen, water, food, and a suitable temperature are necessary for human life on Earth. Additionally, shelter, social interaction, and a safe environment are important for human well-being and survival.