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Bronze, Silver, Gold.


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Q: What are the 3 periods of the bronze age?
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What are the 3 periods of the history?

Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age

Why are no periods of history called the Bronze age?

There are periods in history that are referred to as the Bronze Age, such as the Ancient Near East's Bronze Age (3300-1200 BCE) and the British Isles' Bronze Age (2500-800 BCE). These periods are named after the widespread use of bronze for tools, weapons, and ornaments. However, not all regions or cultures had a distinct period referred to as the "Bronze Age" because the adoption and use of bronze varied across different areas and time periods.

Which came first stone age or bronze age?

The Stone Age came before the Bronze Age. The Stone Age is divided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods, while the Bronze Age followed the Neolithic period.

Is bronze in the new stone age or old stone age?

Bronze is associated with the early civilizations of the Bronze Age, which followed the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) and the New Stone Age (Neolithic) periods. The Bronze Age is characterized by the use of bronze, a metal alloy made of copper and tin, for tools, weapons, and other objects.

What are three earlier time periods in Romania's?

These are paleolithic, neolithic, bronze age.

What is the dating for the Bronze Age periods?

The dates for the Bronze Age vary from one place to the other in the ancient world, according to when the peoples of those areas began and ended using bronze for everything they could. The Bronze Age was followed by the Iron Age. As far as when the Bronze Age was in Europe, it ran from roughly 3,000 B. C. to 600 B.C.

Why do historians call certain periods of history the bronze age and the iron age?

It depended on the principal metal used - initially bronze. Then ways were found of refining iron and using it a steel, which was tougher, more adaptable and useful. Hence the two periods.

Large-scale irrigation systems were developed during which of the following time periods?

bronze age

What are the three periods of Indian history?

Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age

What are the 3 classification of technolngy?

stone age, bronze age and iron age

Was the Stone Age before the Bronze Age?

Yes, the Stone Age preceded the Bronze Age. The Stone Age is divided into different periods based on the development of tools and technologies, with the Bronze Age following as a period characterized by the use of bronze for tools and weapons.

How long is the Stone Age?

The Stone Age lasted for over 3 million years, from about 2.5 million years ago up until around 3,000 BCE when the Bronze Age began. It is divided into three main periods: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic.