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Auschwitz- Birkenau



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Q: What are the 3 most deadliest concentration camps in the world?
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How did the Jews get out of these concentration camps?

Most concentration camps were liberated by the allied forces towards the end of the war.

How did the Jews get around the concentration camps?

In the concentration camps, Jews and everyone else marched around the camps.

What was most feared at the concentration camps?


Was there still concentration camps after world war 2?

Yes, some people survived concentration camps. They are known as Holocaust Survivors. Some are even alive today, such as Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and author of his memoir Night.

What did the Jewish people in the concentration camps during world war 2 eat?

it depended on what concentration camp. most of the time you got crackers or cheese or butter.

Related questions

Why did two world wars start in Europe?

I think because of the Holocaust, most of the concentration camps were in Europe.

Where were the most famous World War 2 concentration camps?

The most famous World War 2 concentration camps were located in Auschwitz (Poland), Dachau (Germany), and Treblinka (Poland). These camps were established by the Nazi regime and were responsible for the imprisonment and killing of millions of people during the Holocaust.

What happened to the concentration camps when World War 2 was over?

Auschwitz, the most infamous of the camps, has been maintained as a memorial.

How did Jews get to the concentration camps in World War 1?

In WWI most Jewish men fought on the side if the Germans.....there were no camps.

The concentration camps were most closely associated with which of these countries?

Germany is the country most associated with concentration camps, since Hitler started many of them to exterminate the Jewish people during World War II.

Dachau is the name of one of World War 2's most notorious?


How did the Jews get out of these concentration camps?

Most concentration camps were liberated by the allied forces towards the end of the war.

How did the Jews get around the concentration camps?

In the concentration camps, Jews and everyone else marched around the camps.

What was most feared at the concentration camps?


Was there still concentration camps after world war 2?

Yes, some people survived concentration camps. They are known as Holocaust Survivors. Some are even alive today, such as Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and author of his memoir Night.

What did the Jewish people in the concentration camps during world war 2 eat?

it depended on what concentration camp. most of the time you got crackers or cheese or butter.

What were the camps that the Jews went during World War 2?

Concentration camps, forced labor camps and extermination camps. From late 1941 on most of the Jews were sent to extermination camps, where they were killed within 12-48 hours of arrival.