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Q: What are some words that describe William Wilberforce?
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Words that describe nouns are adjectives. Some adjectives to describe the noun brown are:lightdarksepiaauburnredyellowchocolaterussetsiennarust

What was William Wilberforce's association with John Newton?

Both John Newton and William Wilberforce had conversion experiences and became Evangelical Christians and both were Abolitionists. Wilberforce asked John Newton if he should preach and Newton convinced Wilberforce that he could be most effective in fighting the slave trade by remaining in Parliament. While they had different careers, they both worked together for the abolitionist movement. Wilberforce did some preaching. At that time it was illegal for a layman to preach in the same church more than once every six months. We do where he may have preached. Newton was a good friend of Whitefield, a great Calvinist evangelist of the great awakening. He too opposed slavery. At this point we can assume that Whitefield, Newton, Wilberforce, and Cowper composed a team opposing slavery.

What are some adjectives that describe history?

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What are the words to describe cut grass?

Some words to describe 'Cut Grass' are: Fresh, nice, and green.

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Some words that describe the color black are: Dull, depressing, and dark.

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Some examples of onomatopoeia in the play "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare include: "hiss" to describe the sound of a snake, "whirring" to describe the sound of flapping wings, and "clang" to describe the sound of a bell. These words create vivid auditory images for the reader or audience.