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Q: What are some similarities between the Battle of Chancellorsville and the battle of fredericksburg?
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Did the battle of chancellorsville come before the battle of Federicksburg?

The battle of Chancellorsville was fought after the battle of Fredericksburg.

What has the author John Edmond Gough written?

John Edmond Gough has written: 'Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville' -- subject(s): Fredericksburg, Battle of, Fredericksburg, Va., 1862, Chancellorsville, Battle of, Chancellorsville, Va., 1863

What was the closest town to the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Fredericksburg, Virginia is about ten miles east of Chancellorsville.

How did the Battle of Chancellorsville end?

With the Confederates occupying Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg, but Stonewall Jackson mortally wounded.

In what state was Chancellorsville battle fought?

Spotsylvania County, Virginia, near the village of Chancellorsville and the area from there to the east at Fredericksburg.

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The Battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville.

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The Battle of the Wilderness was fought in Virginia, about 20 kilometers west from Fredericksburg, as the crow flies, near Chancellorsville.

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Robert E. Lee's victories included the battles of Fredericksburg, Cold Harbor, and Chancellorsville, the Seven Days Battle, and Second Manassas.

Who won the battle fredericksburg and chancellorsville?

Confederates, both times - the Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by Robert E. Lee.

What major civil war battles was not a confederate victory First Bull run Second bull run Battle of Vicksburg Chancellorsville Fredericksburg?

The Battle of Vicksburg.

What are main battle s that happened during the civil war?

Shiloh Fredericksburg Chancellorsville Vicksburg Gettysburg Chattanooga Atlanta Petersburg