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HE says he loves me but he never spends time with me. He never wants to have sex with me and im not ugly nor am i fat I am the sme weight and height as i was when we first got together in 2001. I show him i love him i make dinner for him everynight i get his clothes ready for him to wear in the morning I write him love notes. And i get nothing in return. I have told him all this i have tried to sit with him and explaine my feelings but he seems to just not care anymore but yet he says it is not me he does love me then he walks away. I don't know anymore i am confused and hurt. What is he thinking?

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Q: What are some signs he has moved on without wanting to hurt your feelings?
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Continue Learning about General History

What feelings did Martin Luther King Jr experience?

Love,anger,and happiness

What is the doctrine of signs?

doctrine means the body of teachings of "belief system" Doctrine of signs is actually science of signs.

What was the countryside in Vietnam like?

The countryside of (South) Vietnam was like certain places in the United States (remember, Vietnam is still the planet Earth, a tree is a tree, and water is still water, etc.). It had the humid heat of the deep south ( the US southern states), along with the swamps of Florida, and the hills of some of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado or the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. But that's not what made it unique. What made it unique was going back into time. It was returning to America of those above mentioned mountains and swamps, forests, etc. WITHOUT the civilization of traffic signs, interstate highways, barbed wire fences, no tresspassing signs, locked gates, toll boths, park ranger buildings, forest ranger buildings, parking lots, (a shopping mall we would have appreciated though, hunger was our constant companion) etc. The land (described above) was in the same condition that Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Lewis & Clark, Jedediah Smith, Kit Carson, and the rest, saw during their life times in America. It was an UNSPOILED LAND; an UNTAMED LAND. When we moved in our tank or APC (M-113 Armored Personnel Carrier) we moved through wilderness. Few roads, and the few that existed were dirt. No signs, follow the setting sun (with the help of a map and compass-no GPS back then). And most important of all, we moved and lived with our buddies. Without the security and comradeship of our brothers in arms, the journey would have been FAR LONELIER and less memorable!

Who invented the football signals?

My great grandfather, Thomas Foryt, during the Texas/Texas A&M game in 1922.He moved from NY area working as a roofer to get more work because of the cold. The game was one of the first broadcast and the signs told the foul, etc., because they looked like the penality. Clipping, not invented yet.

Who signs the bill into a law?

IN the US, a bill that has been passed by Congress become law when the President signs it.

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I find that happens to me when I am gasy, but really wanting to be pregnant. I found something on google when I put movement in upper abdomen it was called gastro...something it has all signs of pregnancy.

What are signs that tell you that you have moved on or have gotten over someone without dating someone else?

That is doesn't bother you if you hear about them or were to run into them, if there not the only thing occupying your thoughts anymore, if you are continuing on with life fine and not dwelling on the past or moping and smiling as well as laughing again - you have moved on.

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Mood swings, hyperactivity, wanting to clean, cramps.

What are the signs of a boy wanting to break up with you?

Some signs that a boy may want to break up with you is not keeping in contact with you like he use to do; flirting with other girls; not keeping dates with you or not calling you when he said he would. Since you are unsure of what his feelings are for you then you should communicate your feelings to him the next time you are alone and then you will be sure how he feels. If he good to you and you see a fair amount of each other then do not start second guessing how he feels or it could cause problems in your relationship and sometimes jealousy can rear it's ugly head.

What are the signs a girl only likes you for your looks?

Signs may include her only complimenting your appearance, only wanting to hang out in public places, not showing interest in your personality or interests, and quickly losing interest if your physical appearance changes.

How do you know if you like a girl you are not showing the majority of the signs?

If you find yourself thinking about her often, wanting to spend more time with her, and feeling happy and comfortable in her presence, these can be indications that you have feelings for her, even if you're not showing the typical signs outwardly. It's important to reflect on your emotions and consider why you may be holding back from displaying these feelings.

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Some signs of attraction are wanting to hang out, touching, flirting, but the only 100% effective way to tell is to be honest and ask.

How do you know if someone is cheating?

they may be acting a bit more differently and wanting to see you less, these are some signs