

Best Answer
  1. Kenneth MacAlpin (843–858 c.e.): He is known as the first King of Scots, uniting the Kingdoms of the Picts and the Scots. He was a strong leader who helped secure the Kingdom of Scotland.
  2. Constantine I (900–943 c.e.): He is known as the King of the Picts and the founder of the House of Alpin, which would go on to rule Scotland. He was a successful leader and expanded the Kingdom of the Picts.
  3. Malcolm I (943–954 c.e.): He was the King of the Scots and the first of the House of Alpin to rule Scotland. He was a strong leader and was able to successfully expand the Kingdom of the Scots.
  4. Malcolm II (1005–1034 c.e.): He was the first King of Scotland to unite the Kingdoms of the Picts and the Scots. He was a successful leader and was able to expand the Kingdom of Scotland.
  5. Duncan I (1034–1040 c.e.): He was the King of Scotland from 1034–1040 c.e. He was a successful leader and was able to expand the Kingdom of Scotland.
  6. Macbeth (1040–1057 c.e.): He was the King of the Scots from 1040–1057 c.e. He was a successful leader and was able to expand the Kingdom of Scotland.
  7. Edgar (1097–1107 c.e.): He was the King of Scotland from 1097–1107 c.e. He was a successful leader and was able to expand the Kingdom of Scotland.
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David Denton

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Q: What are some significant names in Scotland during 850-1100.c.e.?
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