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Some of the effects are the growth of fascism, economic problems, growth of socialism, World War II, the conference/treaty of versialles, and the League of Nations which was ineffective and lead to the United Nations.

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12y ago

The Treaty of Versailles was imposed upon Germany after WW1, blaming them for causing WW1 and so on. Germany also had to pay repartions(damages during the war) This amounted to around £6.6billion pounds. Germany couldn't afford this so the country plunged into a deep recession, French troops occupied the Ruhr (German Factory area) and took the reparations in iron,coal and oil etc. This worsened the German economy.

Onto families, Geramny was hit by a massive hyperinflation (prices rise very rapidly by 1000's) Families could not afford to pay the rent,electricity,heat, even food. The German Mark was worthless, suppliers would not accept it. This is because the Weimar Republic had printed money which WASN'T backed by gold.

Hopefully this helps! :)

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Q: What are some short and long term effects of World War 1?
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What are the long-term effects of World War 1 tanks?

Some of the long - term effects of the World War 1 tanks were that the future models had to be upgraded to reduce the weaknesses of the earlier tanks. These days, tanks can move faster and have thicker armor.

How did the Civil war bring temporary and lasting changes the American society?

Some long term effects of the Civil War included the end to slavery, the military changed its tactics and strategies of war. Long term effects include a stronger union, no more questions of secession, and an end to slavery. In the short term, communities had to be rebuilt and families would also have to be rebuilt; due to taking sides during the war or loosing someone in a battle. Some of the short terms effects also included over 620,000 deaths.

What are some short term effects of the American Revolution?

The short term effects come in a large abundence but here are some... The creation of the constitution, Freedom and independence, Rights Formation of a Republic these are just some examples but im sure if u Google it u might get answers.

What were some effects World War 2 had on the United States of America?

For a brief period of time, the US was alone as a world superpower.

What were some of the short term and long term results of American acquisition of the Philippines and Puerto Rico?

Don't cheat at History. Short term effects: - Puerto Rico used as a military outpost -Filipinos wanted freedom, but annexing them would go against the Declaration of Independence -US played up possible trade profits with the Philippines -Angered Anti-imperialists Long term effects: -Puerto Ricans were granted US citizenship -Great amounts of Puerto Ricans moved to New York City -More cultural diversity

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